Chapter 24

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"Jungkook. All of your friends are here, you don't talk to anyone else. So who's texting you?" He pushed for answers but I couldn't tell him.

"I said it's no one Hyung." Jimin's eyes narrowed on mine, I watched him linger forward but knew he stood no chance. My reactions had always been faster than his. He reached for my phone but ended up slapping the empty space on the table. A smug look sat on my face as I held my phone up in the air.

"I swear to god you little shit, answer my question. Don't do this to my sister, you prick." His voice was shaking, he was angry and embarrassed. I sighed before handing him my phone, unlocking it in the process. He snatched the device from my hand and pulled up my texts, his voice instantly dropping. I watched Y/N notice his reaction, her eyes beginning to show fear. She didn't trust me yet...

She poked at her brothers arm, waiting to hear what he'd read. "I'll tell her." I spoke up but earned a glare from Jimin.

"Jungkook. You can't be serious!" Jimin's voice raised with each word. Shit. I knew he'd do this.

"Oppa..." her voice was trembling, eyes brimmed with tears. I couldn't watch this anymore so I kicked Jimin under the table.

"HE BOOKED YOU A TRIP TO EUROPE AND DIDN'T INVITE US!" She punched him in his arm as tears fell down her face. My heart hurt seeing her cry but I couldn't help but laugh. A stifled giggle left my mouth as she stared at me with exhausted eyes. Her poor head must've been spinning with worries.

"You're an ass. I thought it was bad." I blew her a kiss which summoned a laugh from Jin. My smile dropped a little as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, laughing together. I brushed my annoyance aside- it wasn't my place to control who she was friends with, and although I didn't like it, I had to accept it.


The entire meal was flooded with requests to join the holiday Jungkook had planned for us. Every time we went quiet, someone would try to convince him, he eventually gave in but specified that it was OUR holiday so we'd need our own time. I was excited to spend time with him and honestly glad that everyone was coming with us. It would be nice to have group time in a new setting. The guys cleared their schedules with BigHit while the girls cleared theirs with YG and we were all good to go.

The holiday was booked for December, we'd be spending a week over Christmas in London and the next in Paris over New Years. Days were planned as a group and for Jungkook to keep his schedule for us, that was the only way he'd agree to them crashing the plans he'd made.


Everyone was packed and waiting downstairs for us to leave but the strong arms wrapped around me were stopping me from moving. I wriggled around in his grip as he kissed the sweet spot on my neck, his hands holding mine over my stomach. I giggled as I broke free and pushed him back to look up at the beautiful smile plastered on his soft lips. "Jungkookie, we have to go now. They're all waiting." He whined before stepping closer and cupping his hands tightly on my hips, dragging my body into his.

"This was our holiday Jagiya, they intruded on our plans so they can wait until we're finished here." He kissed my forehead lightly before sliding his hands to grip my ass. I slapped him gently, forcing him to look into my eyes. He sighed before grabbing the suitcase on my bed and sadly stalking down the stairs.

"What took you so long?" Tae asked as I joined his side, I nodded my head toward the still upset bunny walking slothful ahead of the rest of the group which caused Tae to laugh, "Oh, did you give in?" I lightly punched his arm as I shook my head, almost completely disregarding his comment. He spoke again after grabbing my hand to stop the continuous attacks he faced. "Poor kid, he's gonna be moody the whole flight now. You should've sorted him out while you had the chance." He winked before showing me that huge boxy grin that I adored. I rolled my eyes as we continued to chat throughout the entire ride to the airport.

In my row, Jungkook took the window seat, I had the middle while Yoongi almost instantly fell asleep in the aisle chair next to me, his shoes off, headphones in and mask covering his mouth. The pouty face that stared out of the window was beginning to make me feel bad and the sad voice that came from those lips was encouraging me to give in and do what he wanted. We hadn't done anything since getting back together, I wanted to be sure he wouldn't leave me again, but as I watched his small pout turn up into a smile whenever I spoke to him, I was feeling things I'd been trying to suppress.

"Ah Jungkookie..." I whined our in a quiet voice, he nodded but still stared out of the window at the picturesque view. The blanket of clouds stood completely still as we floated above them, the fluffiness hugged against the sides of the plane and moved with us as we travelled.

"Hmmm?" Was the only verbal response I'd had for a while so I jumped on the interaction, afraid to let it fade away.

"I'm sorry I made us leave this morning," he nodded with a small smile on his face, assuring me it was okay, I knew he wasn't angry or genuinely sad, he just didn't like that I still didn't trust that he'd stay once we became intimate.

I rested my hand on his thigh, pulling my blanket across us both and placed my head against his shoulder. He tensed up as if instinctively, before finally dragging his eyes away from the scene outside the window, his intense stare now focusing on the blanket on his legs. My hand gently rubbed against the muscles in his leg until he wrapped his arm over my shoulder and settled his head on top of mine. I moved away to make him sit up before grabbing ahold of the jeans that were ridiculously tight- they showed off everything which only made me more eager to make up for that morning.

He stared down at me, confused, until I slowly unbuttoned and unzipped the material, sliding my fingers inside the hem of his underwear. He jolted up, sitting incredibly still as I took his already hard dick into my hand. He quickly leaned forward to check on the others around us.

Yoongi- asleep.
Jimin- asleep.
Namjoon- asleep.
Jin- headphones in, eye mask on.
Hobi- infront of us, headphones in.
The girls- sleeping or on their phones.

No one was paying attention to us...

Author's Note:
So... I'm really bad at uploading regularly. I'm so sorry~
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Thank you~<3

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