Chapter 3

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Once we had all sat down with our blankets and snacks, we began the movie and we also began the worst 2.15 hours of my life. The entire time the movie was playing, I was hiding my face behind Jungkook while he laughed at my expense, Jimin and Chen would look at us often and giggle to themselves about how clearly terrified I was. The only positive part of that experience was the feeling of Jungkook's hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him to protect me. Although he was laughing, he was calming me down every time it got too much by brushing the inside of my thigh with his other hand under the blanket we shared. I was getting used to the feeling of him keeping me close, that probably wasn't good for either of us, but honestly, it felt amazing.

Later, the boys chose to play would you rather, I thought that was a good idea until they pointed out that you HAD to do whatever option you chose. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. A few rounds later, "Okay. Chen Xi. Would you rather kiss me or Jungkook?" Jimin asked as I made eye contact with Jungkook, he looked toward the floor to avoid eye contact with Chen as we waited for her answer. She replied with Jimin and they proceeded to follow her choice.
They kissed each other briefly, just a peck, then pulled each other back in and deepened the kiss. Jimin slipped his tongue into Chen Xi's mouth as she giggled. Jungkook and I made eye contact and burst out laughing. Jimin pulled away, "what are you two laughing at?" he questioned, looking at us with an annoyed look on his face.
"Isn't it funny how just a few weeks ago you were laughing at me and Y/N? Oh, how the tables have turned." Jungkook smirked before continuing to laugh. Chen joined us laughing and returned to her seat. It was Chen Xi's turn to ask and she chose me.

"Y/N would you rather run down the street in only your underwear or play the rest of the game like it?" She asked as I slapped her arm. 

"Yah! Why do I not have an option that lets me stay clothed?" I complained as she answered saying it would be 'boring' if she gave me easy choices. She was right but I didn't like it. I sat contemplating my options: risk my entire neighbourhood seeing me in my underwear or sit in my underwear in front of Jungkook for at least an hour. I reluctantly chose to play the game in my underwear, my decision brought a smile to Jungkook's face and an awkward atmosphere around Jimin as he had to remain in the same room. I walked into my bedroom and removed my nightdress, as I stared at myself in the mirror trying to gain the courage to
go back downstairs, my door opened slowly. Expecting it to be Chen, I ignored it and continued to inspect my figure.

As I was immersed in my reflection, two strong arms found their way around my waist, a head nested into my neck and planted soft kisses. Jungkook tightened his grip around me and pulled my body backwards to press up against his. He began sucking on my neck, immediately traveling to the most sensitive area, almost as if he remembered its position from the last time. His mouthed opened as he bit against my skin. As a small moan escaped my lips one of his hands travelled up the side of my body, grazing every inch of me until he reached my face. Once he had gotten to my mouth, he clasped his hand tightly over it to prevent me from making any loud noises. His other hand continued to push my body against his and I felt him getting hard against the small of my back.

Suddenly, Jungkook moved his lips away from my neck and my body slouched in disappointment. He used the hand on my waist to spin my entire body around as he whispered in my ear "Be quiet Y/N, don't let hyung hear you." I looked at him in annoyance as he grabbed my face and placed his lips against mine, this kiss was different from the last. First, this one was not because of a dare, second, this time I was only in my underwear and finally, this time... he had a boner...

He slid a hand down my back as he grabbed my ass and squeezed tightly, another moan left my mouth and he immediately pulled away from me and stared down at me with a devilish look in his eyes. "Y/N... I told you to be quiet. Why did you ignore your oppa?" he spoke in a calm, seductive voice that drove me crazy. I brought his face back to mine and was about to kiss him again until he spoke, "You don't get to kiss me now gorgeous, you only get rewarded if you do as you're told," I whined as I tried to pull him in again. He grabbed my wrists from his face and held them behind my back, "Tell me Y/N, will you be a good girl and listen to oppa?" he stared deep into my eyes as he waited for a response. I scoffed at him as his face turned into an annoyed expression. "Jagiya, answer me."

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