😈Stony : I'm Sorry, Professor😈

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Tony's POV:

"Nat. Nat. I need a favour."

"If it's anything dirty, Tony,  no thanks."

"It is and isn't. Just trust me."


"I need you to cover for me first and second period. I will bunk 'em. Say that I'm just at the dentist or something."


"Thank you so much. I owe you."

"It's all good Stark." she sighed as she turned the corner and went off to class. I ran off to the other side of the school and hid. The bells rang and the school went quiet. 1st period was German with Mr Shmidt. I don't like him. He isn't a nice dude. 2nd period is the one I needed. My partner of sorts was in that class, and I wanted to give him a surprise. 

The school grounds eventually filled with kids, and I ran to Mr. Roger's classroom. He was on the way to the bathroom when I walked in, and I hid under his desk.

The class began to fill and I stayed completely still. Mr Roger wandered in and sat at his desk. "Ok. Bruce?"















"Tony is at the dentist, Sir." lied Natasha, expertly.

"Ok, Sam?"


"Ok, so do the 2 worksheets from yesterday and then go onto the extension task." He pulled his chair in, catching sight of me.

He gave me a stare when I placed my hand on his thigh, close to his crotch. "If you are stuck, call me and I will come over." he announced before grabbing and dropping a pen. "What are you doing?!"

"Shhh." I hushed. Steve sat back in his chair and I did the buckle on his pants. I pulled his semi cock out and put it in my mouth. Steve did a quiet, low groan, and pulled up some study music on YouTube and then turned it up to mute me and his suppressed moans.

 Steve grew closer and closer and was going to cum, but then the feeling went. I had stopped. Steve looked down to see me smirking, both middle fingers up because I'm a bitch. The bell rang and everyone packed up. He quickly shoved himself back in and then said goodbye to the students.

Once the last kid left to go to break, he forced his chair to the side, grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me up, pinning me with his weight to one of the desks. He stood up and went to lock the door. There was only one wall that had windows, but hey faced another wall so he didn't have to worry about that. He came back and leaned down to my ear. "Do you think its funny to suck me off during class? Huh? You think its funny to fucking edge me?!" He demands and he rubs his knee over my hard dick. "You're fucking asking to be punished." he announced and his lips drifted over mine, I tried to kiss him, but Steve moved away, going back to his desk. "Sadly, we only have 12 minutes and I'm unequipped to deal with your brattiness. So at the end of the school day, go to my car and I'll punish you at my house."

"NOOOOOO! Please Sir! I'm sorry. Please fuck me! Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee! NOOO! I'm so hard!" I whined and walked up to Steve.

"Bend over the desk and pull your fucking trousers down!" Steve demanded as he grabbed things from his desk and went over to me, pressing his back so I was stuck to the table. 

The cap popped open and something happened so that the next thing I felt was a cold wet thing at my ass. It pushed through and Steve eventually stood up. He went back to his desk, pressing a remote and the vibrator began to move inside me. I stumbled back in surprize and let out a breathy moan. The bell rang again and I pulled my trousers up. "Don't touch yourself or the toy." Steve announced as I unlocked the door and left, thoroughly pissed. 

I went to my lesson and sat by the window. Natasha sat next to me as I groaned.

"You good dude?"


"Why, what did you do."

"I sucked him off under the desk."

"Oh. Cool. I'm going to try not to picture that." she said with sarcasm and disgust.

"But I stopped before he came and then he said he was going to punish me for it, but didn't and now I have a vibrator up my asshole and I am fucked after school!" I cried quietly, my voice increasing in pitch as the vibrations got more powerful.

"That sound really shit for you. This is why I'm a lesbian."

"I swear that Miss Hill put you in a similar situation a few weeks ago and you were complaining all day."

"That's not the point." she wined as her cheeks went red. 

"They must be in communication."

"Probably, they are both close." she said, grabbing her pen and writing in her worksheet. I sighed, taking mine and whizzing through the answers, the constant vibrations getting me unbearably hard.

The lessons dragged on, the last bell finally ringing and I ran as good as I could to his car, hiding my boner on the way. Once I arrived, he could soon be seen, walking at a obviously slow pace. They say gays are fast; liars.

We both got in, me deciding to place my heavy bag on my crotch and secretly relieve some of the feeling. Once we are on the road, I begin slowly thrusting into the base of my backpack.

"You know I can see you, grinding into your bag. Are you really that horny?" he said in that humiliating tone of voice. 

"Yes. And you taking the long route isn't helping." I argued back.

"Technically, by you stimulating your cock, you are touching yourself, breaking the rules I set this morning."

"Yeah, but I'm so fucking hard, please!"

"First, language. Second, you're lucky, I was contemplating putting a cage on you."

"No! No, I'm sorry, please." I begged as we pulled on to the street. 

"Listen, I want you to go straight t the bathroom, do an enema, and shave if you need to. Then go and lay on the bed, I need to get some shit."

We pulled up, me running to do what he asked. I now laid on the bed, waiting for him to enter. He finally did, fully naked. I admired his body, his chiselled abs and amazing cock, not to mention his ass. 

He called me to the end of his bed, to which I complied.

"Suck." I did as he asked, taking his member into my mouth. I sucked on it the best that I could, until he took it out. "Go lay on your back, knees to chest."

he crawled up to me, before grabbing my dick and pulling a cock ring on it. "No. Please."

"Be quiet. This is your punishment. I will only listen to two words and you know them." He lubed up his fingers before putting two in straight. I moaned in pleasure, his fingers ramming into my prostate first try.

After a while of fingering me, he removed his fingers, rolling a condom and lubing it up. He thrust it in all the way, roughly; just the way I like it. His thrusts were slow and obviously meant to torture me. This continued until he began bolting into me at a rapid pace. I moaned every time he made forceful contact with my prostate.

"Fuck. I think I'm close, please take it off!"

"Fine." He said, pulling the ring off, also slowing his paces down again. Eventually, he removes his cock entirely and just jerks me off. 

"Shhiitttt!I'm gonna c-cum. Ah!" He continues to rub over my dick. He might actually let me cum. I get to the point, but the pleasure goes, but I can still feel cum dripping out. I look down and he looks at me with a shit-eating grin.

"Aww. Was that your first ruined orgasm?" He moves up close to me, so I can feel his hot breath on my ear when he whispers.

I let you cum, but only good boys get to feel it

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