😈Natasha X Wanda X Clint: Boy-Toy😈

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Clint, Wanda and Nat are both early 20s

No Ones POV:

"Morning, baby boy," Nat said as Clint walked into the kitchen, a slight limp in his step.

"It hurts!" he whined, trying to sit down on a stool. She wandered closer to him, leaning on the counter.

"You were the one pleading for the big one last night."

His cheeks went bright red, "Yeah, but I was horny. I don't think straight when I'm horny."

"But you liked it. Oh yes, Mommy! More! I'm yours! Please!"

He goes to mention something else, but he doesn't, as Steve walks in. Him and Nat are both tops. They are close, but he never spends time with Steve. He mostly sits in the vents leading to Tony's lab and workshop.

Thinking of Tony, he was going to go visit him. He stood up, gaining a judgemental look from Steve. Just before he walked out, he could hear Steve talking through his good ear.

"It's always the same, loves it but regrets it." He rolled his eyes before going off to bug Tony.

"JARVIS, where is Tony?"

"Mr Stark is in his lab, Mr Barton. Would you like me to send him a message?"

"Nope. Forget I asked."

He limped up to his room, pulling himself into the vents. He crawled his way and turned on all four Bluetooth speakers before hooking them up to his phone and blaring my little pony from them.

"CLINT! GET OUT THE VENTS OR I WILL CALL NATASHA!" yelled Tony. He looked through the small holes at him.

"NEVER!" He scuttled away to his room and hopped out, jumping onto his bed and pulling a screwdriver from the nightstand and making it look like he was fixing up his hearing aids. Natasha comes storming in.

"You wanna piss of Tony?"

"What are you on about?"

"If you piss off Tony, you piss off Steve. Therefore pissing off me."

"I don't understand." he mouthed as he signed along with it.

You are dead meat, one more chance until I pound you worse than last night. She signs to him. He gulps as his cheeks go red, and his sweatpants go awfully tight.

"Look, I need to talk to you." She said, coming to sit on his bed.

"What about?"

"How do you feel about a threesome? With a friend of mine. She is questioning things and got in contact with me for help."

"Like me, you, them shag?"

"Basically, she is figuring things out."

"Who is it?" he asked and she hesitates.


"As in Maximoff?"

"Yeah, but she it okay with it all if you are."

"Okay, when and where?"

"Tomorrow, my room."

"Be there. Do I need to bring anything or do anything?" he asked, not wanting to spoil the surprise.

"Yeah, do an enema in case."

"Okay, love you!" he shouted as she turns to the door.

"Love you too."

--- Time Skip brought to you by Clint and Nat's time in Budapesht ---

He sat on his bed, looking through a magazine he stole from Tony when J.A.R.V.I.S announce from the speakers in his room.

"Ms Romanoff has asked me to deliver a message to Mr Barton." Then the voice changes to Nat's pre-recorded message. "Hey Baby Boy. I need you to get ready and head up to my room if you haven't already.

He jumped up, rushing to his bathroom and doing the enema like she said to. He also had a shave just to be fresh and give a good time for Wanda. He then raced over to Nat's room where Wanda and Nat were on the bed; chatting.

"Hey baby. You ready?"


"Come here then." Nat said and he waddled over climbing into the middle of them. Wanda grabbed his jaw kissing him lightly, whilst Nat grabbed things from a box under her bed.

They all undress themselves until they are left naked apart from Clint who was left in his Jockstraps. He moves down, licking up Wanda's slit before pushing his tongue in. She moans out as he expertly fucks her with his tongue. She releases all over his tongue and he swallows all of it. Once she finishes, she moves round to where Nat is sat with the two Feeldoe dildos.

She goes down on Nat, Nat putting lube on Clint's fingers.

"Finger yourself like a good toy."

He smothers the lube over his fingers and pushes one in, slowly thrusting in and out. He palms himself with his free hand, as he adds another finger in, stretching them apart. After he has done all 4 fingers, and feels prepped enough, he rides his fingers for pleasure.

Nat cums in Wanda's mouth, giving a short while to recover before they both slide a dildo into themselves. Wanda lines herself up behind Clint who is on all fours and thrusts in. He watches as Nat comes in front of him, her dick in his face.

He opens him mouth taking the tip, followed by the whole thing to the back of his throat. After a short while and once Nat thinks that Clint is ready, she takes her dick out, lubing up her fingers and pushes one in next to Wanda.

He moans out due to the new pressure but eventually presses back on it, signalling for her to add another. They repeat the process till Clint feels ready.

Wanda pulls out and Nat lays down, Lubing up the cock in the process. Clint takes off his Jockstrap and jumps on, reverse cowgirl style, sinking all the way down. He then leans back, giving Nat a long kiss. Wanda comes up and begins to slowly push inside of him.

He moans out all kinds of profanities before throwing his head back. After a short while, Clint gives the go ahead and she start to slowly move in and out, her abs flexing as she moves.

"OH! FUCK! F-faster, please! AH!" he cries as Wanda speeds up her pace. He almost passes out when his prostate is rammed into, sending Nat into a small panic, but calms down when he moans out. She grips his dick, pumping it in time with the thrusts.

"Ah shit, I'm close!"

"Cum then baby." Nat says into his ear. He cums with a moan releasing all over his stomach and Nat's hand. His body goes limp so both Nat and Wanda pull out, Nat sliding out from underneath him. Nat grabs a wet towel, coming back and cleaning off the sleeping man.

"You're free to stay the night if you want." Nat announces to Wanda, who climbs into the bed on the other side of Clint to Nat. They pull the blankets up before snuggling in and falling asleep.

In the morning, Clint wakes up to an empty bed, but a note saying Wanda is on a walk with Vision, and Nat is in the gym. He rolls over to feel a shock of pain through his body, radiating from is ass.

"Forget how I felt before, this is way stronger pain."

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