😈WinterFalcon : I Passed😈

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No One's POV:

Bucky wasn't the brightest in his class. He much preferred the more physical lessons. He went to the gym instead of studying and watched the latest game instead of doing the homework set.

His boyfriend was the opposite. He hated sports because he was unfit, but also, because he was trans, he was put with the girls in their collage campus. He some how worked magic to allow him to have a male roommate, Steve. That was the way he met Bucky.

Steve is a cross between the two. He told Sam his best mate needed a tutor, and Sam accepted the offer.

They began dating, but Sam still came down hard on the rules of studying.

They had their first exam of the new semester, and had just got their results.

Sam was laying on his bed, wearing is boxers and Bucky's hoodie which was huge on him. He pleased with the A he received, when the door to his dorm opened and closed. It could have been Steve, or it could have been Bucky.

"Sam! Sam where are you!?" Bucky called looking around the rooms."

"My bedroom!" he called back. Sam sat up as Bucky entered, holding a sheet. 

"I got a B-! I passed!" He said. Sam jumped up and ran into him, jumping into his arms and kissing him. Bucky dropped the paper on the floor and began to walk to Sam's bed. They lay down, continuing their kiss. Sam let out occasional moans, but Bucky remained in dominance.  Sam climbed on top, straddling Bucky's lap and continued making out with his boyfriend.

Sam could feel himself getting wetter, and began grinding on Bucky's thigh. 

"Horny, are you?" Bucky asked, looking up at Sam's chocolate eyes. He nodded, continuing to grind on Bucky's crotch, feeling the grown erection forming between them.

"Oh, baby," he began, flipping them bot over and moving down. He pulled down Sam's boxers and licked a line up his pussy. He moaned out, his hand weaving it's way into Bucky's hair. His moans were strangled, but the way he was thrusting his hips up into Bucky's mouth showed he was enjoying it. 

Bucky pushed his tongue into him, moving it up and down before massaging his dick. (Sam is on T). He moaned out, Bucky knowing he was close when they became higher in pitch. Sam released in him mouth, Bucky licking it all up.

"Your turn." Sam panted after regaining his abilities again.

"No, no, no. Only you." Bucky said, coming up to engage another hot and steamy kiss. He slid his fingers down to meet Sam's entrance and slid one finger in. He moaned into the kiss, letting Bucky know he was okay and wanted more. 

He moved his finger about, knowing from Sam's noises when he hit his G-spot. Bucky continued to finger him into that one place, adding another finger.

"Bucky, let me give you this bit of pleasure." he moaned, pulling Bucky's fingers out, pulling Bucky's lower clothes down and grabbing a condom from the draw. He slid it down Bucky's hard dick and straddled him again, sinking down onto him until he is filled up.

Sam crashed his lips down onto Bucky's before sliding up and down on him. He moaned at the warmth that surrounded his cock, occasionally thrusting up to meet Sam's bounces. 

Sam was getting close to his orgasm, and so was Bucky. 

"Bucky... I'm gonna cum soon." Sam whined.

"I know, me too. Cum for me Baby boy." He groaned as Sam came, his pussy constricting around Bucky's member and sending him over the edge too.

Sam pulled off, collapsing into a mess next to Bucky who took the condom off and threw it in the trash can next to Sam's bed.

"Well done on the pass Bucky." said Sam before falling asleep in Bucky's arms.

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