😈Winterwidow 2 : Try😈

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Bucky's POV:

Since the sparring session, ne and Natalia have had more occasions, all the same. We haven't discussed what we are or where we want to go which is non-complicated and perfect.

But today she told me to come to her room with an open mind. I told her okay and now I am climbing the stairs o go and meet her.

"Hi, baby-boy,"

"You called me?"

"Yeah, I want to try something, and you are all okay to turn me down and say no, but don't shoot it down without hearing me out first."

"Okay, you are making me worried."

"Just relax, come sit." she said patting the bed, so I complied. She placed her hand on my thigh, very close to my dick, and the thoughts were making me hard. 

"Someone is getting excited, haven't even told you what it is yet."


"How do you feel about," she stood up and walked over to a draw, pulling out an object. She walks back over and hands me the toy. Its in the shape of a cock, but it has a base with a belt connected to it. I hold it up and look back at her.

"I'm from the 40's and I was brainwashed as an assassin during the societies experimental time. You're going to have to explain what this is."

"It's a strap on. Someone who would like to go into their partner, but can't would use one."

"So, you would wear it. And. Fuck me?"

"Yeah, that's how you do it."

"But wouldn't it hurt?" I hesitated before answering.

"Yeah, but Tony and Steve do anal all the time, talk to Tony."

"Me and Stark aren't on the best terms."

"Oh, yeah. Well talk to Steve."

"I don't want him knowing I bottom."

"You're a sub too. But you have to pick one, your best mate or the son of the people you killed."

"Have you told Steve that I bottom?"

"No, but I told him we hooked up, but he also knows I'm a dominatrix. So he must have connected the dots."

"I will talk to him."

--- Time skip brought to you by Scott's close-up magic ---

I walked into the kitchen to see Steve cooking something. As always, I never saw Tony with Steve, even though he is the clingiest person I have ever met. I leaned up against one of the walls in the most casual way possible.

"Hey Steve."

"Heya Buck, How's life treating you?"

"Not bad. Hey, I need some advice. But you can't ask follow up questions or judge."

"Okay. I do have a question any way."

"What is anal like?" 

"Okay, now I want to ask my question."


"Are you a bottom?"

"What are you on about?" I asked, panic quite obviously in my voice

"Well you know I am a close friend of Nat's. She told me that you and her had a thing going on. And she has never once bottomed in her life, so are you a bottom. And a sub. She is a Dom, there is no other way to be in a relationship like yours with Nat."

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