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Tony was a mess. So was his room. He and Pepper had been together for years, and she was used to keeping things clean for her manic boyfriend.

Tony didn't know she was the one who cleaned his stuff. He just thought they had a cleaner that he forgot he hired.

This led to a lack of discression on his behalf. He would leave dirty boxers and socks around the room.

This would be the spark of the most recent event between them.

Pepper was doing her weekly once over, and when buried under his dirty laundry, it was a piece of lingerie. A frilly body suit in black. She immediately dropped everything she was doing and yelled for him to come up.

A few minutes passed, and the door finally opened to reveal a certain Tony Stark in a dirty vest and joggers.

"You alright, babe?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Whats this?" She asked, completely ignoring his concern, holding up the clothing by a shoulder strap. "Or a better question is who's?"

" I... um..." He stuttered, going bright red and reducing to a small person instead of his usual flashy personality.

"Are you cheating on me?" Pepper asked. Her voice was unusually steady, but it was the calm before the storm.

"No! Never, my love." He said as he sped over to sit next to her. "It's mine."


"It's mine." He looked down in his lap. Very uncharacteristic for the cocky Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist.

She stared at him with a confused look. She shoved it in his lap. "Put it on."

Now, it was Tony's turn to look confused.

"If it's yours, then go and put it on. Unless it's not, and you've cheated on me."

He slowly picked the one-piece up and headed to his closet. He grabbed a small black bag and slowly shifted into the attached bathroom.

He came out a few minutes later in the light lingerie, some tall black socks that went all the way up half his thighs. It was matched with a nice bunny headband.

He stood in the doorway, a Peppers eyes raked over him. She slowly rose and walked over to him. She gripped his chin, forcing him to look up.

His cheeks were bright pink, and he tried to get loose of her grip. She pulled him to a hungry kiss. He asserted dominance without a fight, Tony allowing her to take the lead.

He moaned into the kiss as her tounge explored his mouth. She led him over to their bed, and she shoved him onto it. She climbed on top, feeling his dick press into her as she did.

They continued kissing before she sat up to observe him.

Her hands wandered over his covered chest and stomach, followed by her lips. His moans fueled her, and soon, she was passionately leaving dark purple hickeys all over his exposed shoulders.

With Tony's moans sounding more and more desperate, she decided it was time to strip him. But she took her time, littering each new bit of flesh with love bites as she went.

Soon, the lingere was of, and thrown back on the floor. She kissed over his thighs before climbing up. She climbed off, taking her clothes off slowly, obviously to tease Tony.

She climbs back on him, as he lays, mouth slightly parted, pupils wide, and dick stood up straight as it begged for attention. She straddles over his mouth before lowering herself.

She grinds slowly on his face, but let's Tony's tongue do most of the work. He sides it in and out, slowly at first before speeding up. He adjusted everything he did to the reaction of Pepper's moans.

He took his attention to her clit, licking over it just how he knew she liked it. It must have been good because she weaved her hand into his hair, gripping on as she rocked her hips forcefully.

Tony liked it when she was rough with him, and Pepper liked it when Tony complied.

Soon, her thrusts were more sporadic, and he could tell she was close. He started using his tongue as well as he could with the years of experience he had.

She came, and Tony licked everything up. She sat on his abs and kissed him. Her taste was till fresh on his lips.

His starved dick was almost in pain at this point, and it was finally time. She pulled something from below and put it on. It was her strap harness.

They had tried pegging once a few months back, and Tony wasn't a fan. But he also wasn't as much of a bottom as he is now.

She squirted some lube onto her fingers before making sure his legs were tucked to his chest and pushing one in.

He groaned out at the intrusion, his face tightening up to compensate the feeling.

"You okay, baby boy?" She asked, knowing he would become like putty in her hands at the pet name.

"Mmmhm," he hummed in response. She began to move it in and out, watching him closely to monitor his reactions. His mouth soon dropped open, and his moans soo became pants.

She pressed another lubed finger against him, and slipped it in. He moaned this time, a smile on his face, and his hips beginning to thrust with it.

She sissored him open, until she felt he was ready. He was a hot, moaning, panting mess when she removed her fingers, and he groaned at the loss of pressure.

She attached a nice 6.5-inch dildo before covering it in lube and pressing it against his hole.

"You okay, baby?" She whispered seductively.

"Yeah, please, Mommy just fuck me. Please." He cried, biting his lip and looking at her.

She pushed it in slowly, listening to his sweet moans as she did so. He threw his head back into the pillows before crying out in pleasure and a bit of pain.

She stopped half way, giving him a moment to adjust to her cock, before sliding the rest in.

Almost instantly, she pulled pretty much the whole way out before slamming back in. She set a steady pace, as Tony just came undone below her. She slid a pillow under his hips to better her angle and began pumping his dick in her hand, her other on his hip. She synchronised her pumps and her thrusts and just watched as Tony squirmed beneath her.

She was deliberately slow. It aims to torture her boy. His breathing was deep and uneven, and his eyes were in the back of his head. His mouth was dropped open, letting moans, groans, and pathetic pants tumble freely from it.

Soon enough, Tony was thrusting into her to get some more action. He pushed both his hands into his curls, gripping onto them.

She speaks up both actions, and it was obvious Tony was close.

"Ah, fuck. I'm gonna cum. Fuck!" He moaned as he shot his load all over himself, as just at the last minute, Pepper aimed his dick at his own face.

She pulled out and took the harness off from about her waist. He was still panting and hadn't let go of one of his legs, so it was still tucked into his chest. She picked up a t-shirt, using it to wipe him off, before throwing it on the floor.

She pulled the covers over him, putting his leg down and making him the little spoon of the cuddle.

"You're a good boy." She whispered in his ear. "You should wear lingerie more often."

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