😈Loki X Clint : I Think I Like Him😈

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Clint had lost the mind control, and Loki was in a proper cell, deep in a basement's basement. Magic shackles were created to stop him from doing his magic, and he was under 24-hour observation. Thir would have taken him back. But there was an emergency in one of the 9 realms, and he hasn't yet returned. The only problem is, because it is so far away from the surface, the cameras do not work. There are too many wires and magnetic/electric fields in the way to carry the picture.

Clint hated having Loki under them since he lost control without a fight. He had no way of protecting himself, and the anxiety he had developed when he was a child from his family was resurfacing.

Stark called a meeting. He had received a message from Thor that the battle was ending, and he would be able to take Loki back. Clint was rejoiced at the news, but the longer he was sat there, the less happy he felt.

He didn't know what Loki could have done or did when he was under the god's mind-control.It scared him, but the thought of being away from Loki scared him too.

Clint just guessed that he had unfinished business to deal with and had finally plucked up the courage to go and confront him.

"Hey, Nat. I am going down to see Loki; alone. I want the corridor to be empty, but you be there outside, you know?"

"When?" She asked, still filing her nails.

"Preferably now since we don't know when Thor will be back and I don't lose the opportunity."

"Okay, let's go." She said, pulling a gun from the desk and checking to see if it was loaded. They walked through the halls to the elevator, where they got in and pressed the lowest number optional.

"What are you going to discuss?" Nat asked, fiddling around with her gun. She isn't fond of Loki because he threatened to kill her via Clint.

"I don't really know. I want to ask him what he used me for, how many people he had me kill, and why he used me in Germany."

"And you want me to be outside to make sure you don't kill him?" She asked, a joke in her tone.

"Yeah, or him kill me."

The elevator doors opened, and they began the decent down the steps. Like I said, it's a basement's basement.

They finally reached the stone floor, were 3 guards were walking about outside the door of the cell.

"All three of you are dismissed." Announced Nat as they approached them.

"Who's orders?" Asked one of the guards.

"Mine, now go." They refused to move but eventually budged when she adjusted her gun and pulled her knife to see if it was sharp enough.

Clint unlocked the door and stepped inside, pulling a gun for protection. He hates using a gun, but a bow would be too difficult to wield up close in the tint cell. It only had a mattress, a chair, and a toilet sink combo.

"Hello Clint, I didn't think I'd see you again." He said. His voice wasn't as manipulative as before. Clint didn't know if it was his cuffs, or if it was something else.

"I didn't think I'd be down here either." Clint admitted, and Loki leaned out of the shadows, his actions restricted but the chains, bolted to the floor.

"Share your thoughts, I would have already seen them if it weren't for the chains."

Clint lowers his gun, still keeping it useful if Loki tries something.

"Well. I had been having really bad anxiety having you under us, and then when Thor said the war should be over soon, and he can take you back, I was so fucking relieved. But the more I sat and thought about it the more it felt more scary, not having you near. It is fucking creeping me out and I want answers."

"It sounds like you are suffering from an Mindless Affection. Its like a soulmate for... sex."

"No. No."

"Well when you were much more interested in me, than just being my best solider, and not even my mind control could stop that. I didn't like it at the time, but at the end of the battle, I realized that I felt the same way."

"Oh." Clint said. He realized, that now it was brought to his attention, it was exactly how he was feeling. 

"If you want, I can help clear any confusion up." Loki offered. Clint looked at the god on the floor, considering his offer. He put his gun on safe and pushed it back into the holder. He kneeled down and began to fiddle with the cuffs. 

"Clint you know by undoing these, you are giving consent, Right?" Loki asked, and Clint nodded, still messing round with the cuffs.

"Words, and you can't turn it back on me, saying I manipulated you, okay? You can tell me to stop at any point."

"Yeah." He said, as the lock clicked open and he pulled them off. Loki rolled his wrists and looked back up at Clint. Loki snapped his fingers, making Clint naked. He clicked again. It left Clint restrained spread eagle on the mattress. He was already harbouring a nearly full hard-on. He had a ball gag in his mouth, preventing him from moaning out.

"Look at you." Loki said, taking his dick into his hand. Clint moaned out when Loki's clothes vanished. He had a body like, well a god. Under his armour and tunic, he would have never known. And the only way he could say it, is don't bottom for a god unless you don't plan on walking for the next month. Clint moaned against the gag at the thought.

"Someone's an eager boy." Loki said, reading his mind and enjoying the thoughts. Loki licked over the tip, making Clint groan. He took him to the back of his throat, swallowing around him and going up and down. 

Loki snapped his fingers and the gag vanished from his mouth. "I wanna hear your moans."

Clint was getting closer and closer to his climax when Loki stopped, pulling off. "Wha- What are you doing?" He asked, being pulled out if the cloud of ecstasy when his legs were moved up to be tied up to his chest and he felt a lubed finger press into his ass. "Fuck!" He moaned.

"You okay?" Loki asked. Looking genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, Keep going please." He panted, throwing his head back and moaning when Loki curled it and added a second. He began stretching him out. After a short while, Clint spoke up.

"I'm ready, please, fuck me."

"Okay." he said, removing his fingers, lubing his monster up and pushing it in. He went all the way in, letting Clint readjust at the end. "Move." Clint said, not knowing what Loki had planned. He pulled all the way out and slammed back in, repetitively.

Clint screamed out, eyes rolling to the back of his skull when Loki hit his prostate.

"Good boy," He said, abusing his g-spot. "You are taking me so well."

Clint was getting closer and so was Loki. "I need to... I'm gonna..." He said.

"Then cum for me." Loki said, laying a small kiss on Clint's lips. Clint came with a shout, coating his stomach and chest in his own cum.

Loki followed soon after, releasing in the condom and pulling out. He took his condom off and it disappeared in his hand. During Clint's haze, Loki redressed himself, made Clint's clothes appear on the chair, cleaned off Clint and untied his arms and legs. 

"Hope to see you again, Clint." He said, before disappearing. There was a large bang on the steel door and Nat yells from the other side. 

"Clint! Are you okay in there, Where is Loki?" Clint stands up and Nat unlocks the door and opens it.

"Oh, Shit." Nat says. "I'm guessing you got more than answers." She said, looking around the dark room.

"Where is Loki. Clint, Where is Loki?" 

"He vanished. I'm sorry." he confessed.

"I'm going to let you explain that to the others." she said as he began to put his clothes back on.

"I know, I know."

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