😈Stuckony : Our Slutty Scientist😈

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No One's POV:

Tony was working in his lab. after his parents were killed on a dual mission with Captain HYDRA and his 2nd in command, The Winter Soldier, Tony was tracked and kidnapped, being placed in the lab to cook up inventions for HYDRA.

On top of this, since Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes were both secret soldiers, they weren't able to have lives, or lovers, outside of HYDRA. But they took a liking to Tony, using him as a fuck toy when they got a spare moment. Sometimes alone, sometimes with each other, but they never shagged each other, not even kissing. They also never showed Tony any TLC. Purely a fuck and then leave him to clear up and recover.

This specific occasion, Steve and Bucky had just been absolutely slaughtered in a battle, and they were blamed by the command. 350 soldiers were sent out under their command, and only 15 returned.

They marched down to the lab, to find Tony on the computer. He quickly saves his work, before they come in. 

They don't have a healthy relationship, but the moment Tony refuses, is the moment he would attempt to resign form HYDRA's control. That would end up with him being erased from existence, so as long as he is creating for HYDRA, then he will serve one purpose to the Captain and his 2IC.

Steve storms up to the sitting man, and slaps him in the face, brutally hard, causing a slight nosebleed (again), before ripping his t-shirt up and picking him up by the throat. Steve throws him onto the couch in the corner and drags his loose pants down. Both soldiers un-buckle their pants and pull them down. 

Tony tries to get into a comfier position, but is stopped when he felt the cold metal of Bucky's arm on his hip as he was dragged to the end. He just waited for it to all happen. He didn't know if it was real, or the Stockholm Syndrome, but he found a form of comfort in their rough fuck session.

He looked up to see Bucky holding his 11 inch dick in front of his face. He forcefully takes Tony's jaw and pulled him up. He opens his mouth and Bucky pushes all the way to the back of his throat. Tony gags around him, as Bucky puts his hands on the back of the mans head, keeping it deep. 

Steve is behind him, he has discarded his clothes and and gotten some lube from somewhere. 

"I'm only using lube because nobody wants the fuck a dry hole." he says, lubing up his dick and forcing it in. Tony screams out against Bucky, earning a groan from the man. They soon sync their thrusts so Tony is squashed and then emptied and then squashed again. Not before long, Bucky held his cock and came down his throat. 

"Swallow, whore." he said with a slight growl. Tony swallowed all of his salty cum and Bucky moved from his front to next to Steve.

"You can join if you want." Steve said, stopping his thrusts. He pulls out and yanks Tony up. Bucky laid under and lubed up his cock. Steve dropped Tony down and Bucky shoved his dick in. Steve began pushing in next to him. Tony screamed out in pain. Bucky shoved 3 of his metal fingers in to his mouth and pressed them to the back of his throat. Tony gagged and Steve thrusted all the way in. 

Luckily, it wasn't the first time he had been stretched out like this so suddenly. Both super soldiers began thrusting and Tony was in a painful bliss. He had always had a thing for pain, so the violent disregard Bucky and Steve gave him was nice. 

Both men began to get more and more sloppy with their thrusting and they both came. They pulled out and plugged him up like they do at the end of every session. 

"Get that new weapon design finished for tomorrow's meeting, or we won't be so nice next time." They walked out of the room, leaving Tony a naked, hard and sweatting mess in the corner. 

He picked his clothes up, the ones that weren't in pieces and got dressed, grabbing a new shirt from his draw. He spent the rest of that night designing, but knowing in the back of his mind, it will never satisfy then enough to go softer.

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