CHAPTER 8: This Isn't A Game!

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Today was the first meeting of many and probably was going to be one of the most important meetings of them all, for Harlie and already is cutting things close to being on time.

When the ten minute mark passed of when she was supposed to be here, I was just about to have Markus contact her and see where the hell she was at, when suddenly, the door opened to this warehouse where me and this guy, along with both our men have been waiting for her.

"Sorry I'm late, I had hit some traffic on my way here." She states.

Although she looks the great and is holding herself together strongly like she has been trying to do since the beginning, I can tell something is off. Yet, I can't put my finger on just what.

"Morning." She greets me with a sarcastic smile and then a more genuine one with Antony Rosario, again, the most important person she will need standing behind her (Aside from me of course).

"Nice of you to join us." I mumbled lowly closer to her.

She glared at me a little before we all took a seat.

"Trust me, it won't happen again." She states.

"Good. Because I have zero tolerance for people not being on time." Antony snaps at her.

"I understand. We're all human. That is why there were several occasions I can recall when you were late for a few meetings with my father that you always excused with lies of there being traffic and such when in all reality, you were partying with your mistress." Harlie fired right back at him without skipping a beat.

Damn! Everybody in the place we're looking at her surprised and we're not sure (including me) in what we should say.

The look on Antony's face was priceless yet he also smirked at her after a brief moment of glaring and nodded is head looking as if he was impressed also.

"Okay then." He replies.

The moment he said that we all seemed to let out a breath none of us knew we were even holding in.

"So, let's get right to the point." Harlie had started diving right into the meeting.

"Alright." Antony replied and looked like he wanted to say something else but she stopped him from doing that.

"I have looked over all the records that my father kept for every business transaction between you and him. And I must say, I noticed that you were not so honest with him. In fact, you were a big reason as to why he was losing money. Now my question to you, and I advise you to be honest, why did none of these numbers over the last two years of business add up?" She asks him.

Shit! She has balls right now practically accusing him of being a thief and everything, but holy fuck! That was something else.

"Are you seriously accusing me of cheating your father out of money?" He asked her with a cocked eyebrow. Then continued with what I thought would be a confession but then again, we need this guy....right?!

"Since you're new to everything, I will pretend I didn't hear that. Now as far as why your father owed many and was in financial debt, for one thing, he spent more than he had. Every time before we even received our cuts from a supplier or customer, he would be spending it left to right. Not to mention the fact that he was the one cheating everybody else. He wanted all of the money for himself and would lie about the earnings from the transactions even to me." He finishes up.

I look over at Harlie and could tell she was about to explode. Though before I could try and remind her not to lose it, she already began firing back at him.

"How dare you! For you to sit across from me and not only lie to my face, but point the blame of your own discrepancies and betrayal at my father, who kept records for a fucking reason, such as for people like you, you have made the mistake in under-estimating me. And you know, despite what you and the others think about my father and especially about me running his empire, soon you are all going to be BEGGING me to spare you all the embarrassment, humiliation and of course, MERCY." She grins at him in a sinister way that even I felt was scary.

I then noticed him gulp as his men all look at her once more with shock on their faces followed quickly by a little fear.

The sudden tension in here can be cut with a knife and at this point, I'm not certain if whether or not he is going to walk out on us after her little threat and speech or if he will back down a bit and agree to doing business with her.

"You're right. I underestimated you. You have your mother in you. You like her too." Antony comments.

"So we have a deal?" She asks.

"We have a deal. I can give a few clients a heads up and we'll choose a time to meet up and start shit back up again." He states.

"Fine. So once you hear from them, contact me." She says before standing up and heading outside.

Most of us sat there still in shock before I stood up and followed after her.

I was getting ready to commend her for that amazing performance in there and for having the balls that most guys in this business don't have or would dare to do and say to someone like him, when I noticed her puking on the side of the building.

"She went out with her friend to a bar last night and didn't come back home until right before dawn, so she's feeling a little shitty." Franklin chuckled.

I on the other hand, began to get upset at the fact that she was late as a result from being up all night and partying.

Normally, I wouldn't care because most people can do both and especially of you're already a Mafia Boss you can do shit like that and make up your own rules. However, she has not yet earned that title and this meeting in particular, once again was the 'make or break' kind of a meeting.

Now with that said, if it wasn't for her performance in there, I may have been more infuriated than I am right now. However, since she EARLY isn't taking this shit seriously and thinks she can be out all night then be late as a result then I am wasting my time.

I decide to show her no mercy and pull her aside after I see her standing up and wipes her mouth with a tissue before rinsing her mouth out with some mouthwash real fast, that I noticed she took out from her purse.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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