CHAPTER 11: Gentleman-ish

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The meeting with Antony and his supplier went well and I handled myself just as good as I did with the first meeting with Antony and feel like I keep getting better at being believable to anyone as to who I am trying to pritray myself as.

Tonight was the night of an event Kane invited me, Franklin, Leila and some of the guys to, in which I was happy to go to but because I haven't been to an event this important in a while, I wasn't sure how to go about in deciding what to wear.

I was going back and forth in my head for a little while if this was an event to wear something casual, fancy, elegant as in ball gown. Luckily the debate didn't drive me crazy before Leila helped me decide on a cocktail dress.

I treated us to a spa day and we got all our beauty needs tended to at my mom's salon and as soon as we showed up, I knew I had to keep my poker face on as Kane gave me a head's up when he invited us, that he was going to introduce me to big people in this business.

I won't lie, it kind of freaked me out but on the other hand, this was my chance and possibly only shot to give the best impression I could in that I mean business and everybody is together. So in a way, it is like killing two birds with one stone.

We had run late because the limo driver I had ordered was running late and I tried messaging Kane on his phone but because I was an idiot and forgot to charge my phone, it died.

I asked Franklin to do it but I don't think he had heard me. Though it didn't matter it happens.

After we pulled up in the front of his big house, I noticed he hired a valet service and then once inside, I felt as though I was in a big party from a movie.

Franklin and the guys took off to have fun after I reassured them I was going to be fine. Then soon after they walked away, Markus walked up to Leila and I, handing us each a champagne glass.

Right away I could tell he was attracted to Leila as she was with him when I saw their eyes locked with each other's. Then he asked her if she wanted a tour of the house and they walked off.

I didn't mind standing there by myself and some people had approached me even, but it wasn't until I noticed Kane walking towards me while checking me out at the same time and our eyes locking with each other that I felt a bit.....strange.

Right when he got closer, I felt myself begin to take in a breath then breathe out to try and calm my nerves.

What the hell is happening right now? I haven't reacted this way in my life towards a guy and especially with Kane.

Once he complimented me, we began making our way towards the food tables before sitting at a free table.

"I'm glad you made it. Really." I hear him tell me.

"Me too. I'm sorry I was late. The driver I hired didn't show up on time and my phone died then I asked Franklin to tell you but I guess he didn't hear me." I laughed a little.

"It happens." He smiled.

We sat there for the next hour or so, talking a while before several guys approached us and that was when one by one, I was introduced to many big people.

Some of the names I remembered my father talking about and each person gave their condolences.

"This is crazy." I tell him. "I never thought I would be able to handle myself necessarily when I met those guys. It feels awesome!" I explained with much excitement on my voice.

"I can tell." He laughs. "Well, you are definitely well on your way. To be honest, I am a bit impressed at how you have been upholding yourself." He comments.

"Me too." I replied.

We both finished our drinks before I start noticing him standing up then holding out his hand.

"Come on. Let's dance." He says.

I place my hand into his and we walk out to where everybody is dancing at and the moment he snakes his arm around my waist to pull me closer while I place one of my hands onto his shoulder then begin dancing.

Aside from how strange it might all sound, it seemed that for some reason, we had managed to stay focused on one another. Not breaking eye contact.

Honestly I doubt I would be able to hear when the music stopped playing.

Throughout the next few hours, I met a lot of people and was able to get a few offers from those who knew my father and felt that (I guess) I have made a good enough impression this far tonight that they had given me their contact information and to make sure we set up a meeting soon.

Things seemed to be looking better than ever so far.

There was a moment that happened when Kane had left me to go and discuss business matters in his office with a few of his guests, as Franklin explained.

So I continued hanging around and talking more with others.

Then I ended up meeting this guy named Rocco. He was a Mafia boss and seemed to be only a few years older than Kane.

He was very handsome and seemed to have been in the business for a good while.

We got to talking with each other and he too commented like the others did throughout tonight, in how impressed he was with me and that it would be nice to have more female mafia boss' out there. Well, technically, he called me a 'Godmother'. In which is usually the term for a female mafia boss. However, I will be sticking with the Mafia Queen title for now.

I was learning things from him and in fact, was glad I met him tonight because we started talking about a few suppliers he knows that he goes through for all his business transactions and can help in certain areas that nobody else can.

I appreciated it and we exchanged information with each other before he ended up heading out. Others followed as well shortly after and I was getting ready to leave as well, though I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye first to Kane.

When I found him, he had his back turned towards me while talking to a couple of men. 

When I tried to speak to him he just turned around and had a look of irritation on his face while looking at me pissed off and shaking his head in disappointment.

What the hell did I do?!

"I just wanted to say goodnight." I tell him.

"Night." He coldly says before turning back around and continuing to talk to the men.

Whatever his deal is right now, I don't care because I don't like those who are hot one minute and cold the next.

Seriously, did I do or say something to offend him or did his little brief meeting tonight upset him and he is back to being his old asshole self?!

I just roll my eyes in annoyance before turning around and stomping out towards the car to leave.

Next chapter will be posted soon! ;)
This is the dress she wore! :)

Next chapter will be posted soon! ;) This is the dress she wore! :)

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Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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