CHAPTER 12: I Don't Need This!

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Last night at the party, I have to say was going well, at least that's what I thought. Then after I had a quick emergency meeting in my office over an issue with a recent shipment, I come walking out and look for Harlie who seems to be flirting and laughing with Rocco.

She even allowed him to put his arm around her waist to escort her towards the bar to order another drink.

I couldn't stand it but what could I do?! I'm not supposed to feel this way and let that type of shit bother me, but it did!

After seeing her do that, it just told me she doesn't seem to care about her even thinking about ever doing business with him and what it will do for her reputation of she decides to get involved with him in particular. He isn't someone to try and get involved with both for business purposes and personal. Period.

He will destroy the empire. That is what he does and am not even sure how he's got in here in the first place. Either way, she will never become everything she has been working hard for in becoming. And if she wants to throw away those opportunities and make a fool of herself then fine! She can do whatever she wants!

The moment she tried to say 'goodbye' to me with a smile as if she didn't know that what she did was forbidden, I was already fuming and trying to keep my composure the best way I could, by talking to some friends of mine.

Today I wanted to forget about stuff and focus on what I needed to. Life goes on. Except while trying to do so, while sitting in my office and trying hard to go over details of how to correct the last shipment fuck up, I get a knock at my door.

"Enter." I replied as I continued writing things down.

"Boss?" I heard Markus.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Are you ready to go meet up with Harlie?" He asked me.

"What?" I replied.

"Remember? We were supposed to meet her today to go over the shipment plans between her and Antony?" He reminds me.

"Shit!" I yelled.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Markus asks.

"Nothing! Let's just get this shit over with!" I snap back while standing up and putting my jacket on before heading off.

I swear, I can't wait until this bullshit is over with. I will get that fucking contract signed from all the shit I am having to be out through.

Once we arrived at her house, she greeted everyone with smiles like always and Markus of course, looked for Leila.

I knew since last night the way they were hanging on each other that they were going to hook up.

I quickly said 'hi' to Leila and then started walking past Harlie.

"Let's just get this over with. I have things to do." I snap at her.

She follows behind me as does Markus, Franklin and Leila? Of course she would have Leila join the meeting eventually. I swear to God.

Before sitting down, I poured myself a drink real quick at the little bar that she has in the office and hear her mumble something under her breath before taking a seat in the chair behind her desk.

"Help yourself." She mumbled to herself.

"So, what do you need to know about the shipment?" I coldly asked to hurry things up.

There was a silence for a second and then she seemed to get upset.

"Can everybody please leave the room for a second?" She asked everybody nicely before snapping at me once the door closed behind them.

"Damn." Markus and Leila remarked on their way out.

"What the hell is your problem?!" She fired at me.

I finished downing the last of my drink before setting down the glass and walking over to stand across from the desk at her.

"YOU'RE becoming a huge pain in my ass lately!" I fired back at her.

"Oh really?! And how the hell is that?!" She asks.

"For one thing, you've got your best friend coming in on the meetings now for some damn reason - as if she is part of your crew. Second of all, you have no business talking to that piece of shit Rocco, who will destroy everything you have been working hard for and if you think that you are already knowledgeable enough to go around making business deals without consulting with me first, to give you advice on that person, then go ahead. Sign the contract and we both can go out separate ways!" I finished snapping at her.

She seemed taken back a little bit then began to glare at me before firing right back.

"Okay first of all, Leila is my best friend and recently, yes, I HAVE made her a part of my crew. Second of all, I can speak and decide who I want to do business with WITHOUT consulting you right away, if I want to! And not to mention, that if he was such an asshole and someone who can't be trusted, then why didn't you warn me beforehand about him and also, why the hell did you invite him to your event, huh?! Lastly, I will NEVER sign over what is MINE!" She finishes snapping back at me.

"I didn't invite him! In fact, didn't even know that he was there until I saw the both of you laughing it up with him putting his arm around your waist and you flirting with him like some kind of a slut!" I snapped at her again but the last thing I said, I started to regret but before I could say anything else, I felt a hard slap to the side of my face that stung so badly and ended up staying for a while afterwards.

"How dare you say such a crude remark when between the both of us, you are the one who sleeps with a different girl every night and who, from the sounds of it, is jealous as all hell because a guy made a move on me and you still haven't!" She snaps at me.

It was in that moment I had messed up, but that little second where I felt a tiny bit regretful enough to want to try and apologize for what I just called her, I didn't:t because that soon went away.

"I'm fucking leaving!" I tell her.

"Good!" She fired back and I can see her fighting back tears.

However, I was too pissed off and needed to leave before things became worst.

I stormed out of the house without saying anything to anybody, not even a 'goodbye' as I passed by them.

Next, Markus followed me and I just took off.

I don't need this! I don't need anybody! I especially don't need her!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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