CHAPTER 30: An Old Foe

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The moment Markus and I had returned then found the girls out near the pool, looking like they were trying to drown somebody, we hurried outside then helped both some random guy with a camera around his neck and Harlie, get out of the pool.

"Will somebody explain to me what the hell is happening?!" I demanded.

"Leila and I found this asshole sitting on top of the wall in the tree over there, snapping photos of us and we were simply trying to get him to explain. Leila pushed him off the wall and then he landed in the pool and once we realized soon after that he was drowning, we went in to help him. Then you guys came back." Harlie finishes telling me.

Markus wraps a towel around Leila and hands me one as well.

I quickly look at this asshole and grab him by the collar of his shirt and force him into one of the lounging chairs before next quickly pulling out my gun and pointing it at him.

"You have five seconds to convince me not to shoot you." I threaten him.

"I-I was hired by somebody. He was a customer of ours and offered to pay me twenty thousand dollars in cash if I took photos of Harlie here and then send his boss the photos afterwards." The scared and shaken eighteen year old confessed.

"Who told you?!" Harlie chimed in now pointing her gun at him.

"He said his name was Levins." The guy confesses more.

That name sounds familiar but not enough for me to know right away on the top of my head in who he was.

"Watch him." I told Markus who I had hold a gun at as I started walking into the house towards the office.

I head straight towards upstairs real fast to the bedroom where I take fifty thousand dollars I had inside my duffel bag I brought and quickly made my way back downstairs to head back outside.

I quickly hand him the cash that was held together by a rubberband, before snatching the camera from his hands then telling him to forget about everything and to quit his job then leave town and forget any of this ever happened.

"Thank you sir." He replied.

He ran so fast out of here and now I had everybody looking at me in shock and looked confused. Although Harlie's face definitely looked more upset at me than the others.

I started heading back into the house to take things out that Markus and I just got for dinner when I notice everyone followed behind me and are waiting for me to say something.

"What?!" I asked.

"What the hell was that all about?! Why did you let him go?!" Harlie came right out and said while sounding pissed off.

"Because he is a nobody. Just a dumb kid, looking for extra cash." I try and explain, though that wasn't the best explanation for what I just did but it was all I had at this moment.

"But he could have told us who the hell it was that sent him! After all, the Mafia usually will sometimes send people to spy on others for revenge or something!" She fired back with her arms crossed over her chest as she stood there and glared at me.

"He did." I tried to refresh her memory.

"He just said 'Levins' and that was it. That was nothing!" She snapped back towards me.

"Yes. And that is all he knows." I tell them.

"But we still could have asked what the hell Levins looks like at least!" She states.

"Don't worry. I'll have Franklin or someone else I know who is good at getting information on people, I'll have one of them find out who it is. Besides, the name sounded familiar and I am sure that I will remember who they are after we eat or even tomorrow. But really, don't be too worried about it." I try calmly telling her.

Now I do know who Levins is and am purposefully not allowing my emotions to get the best of me so that I show another side of myself to Harlie.

Levins and I have always been enemies since the beginning when I first began to get into this business and lifestyle. He always envied me.

The hilarious part to me is he told that kid to have the photos be sent to his boss, which means obviously, he hasn't done too good for himself like the rumors have been going around about him and how big and badass he is in this business.

He is a liar and overall practically a narcissist. I will for sure get to the bottom of everything as soon as I can but I'm the meantime, I am not going to let anybody know the personal history we both have.

Well, it was a good theory I had at least. Since it's obvious with the way everybody is looking at me right now that they need to hear what all I know and won't leave me alone or stop glaring at me until I say something.

So finally, I give in and we all sit at the table while I begin telling them everything, starting at the beginning.

"When I first began building this empire of mine, I had become acquainted almost right away with Levins. He was trying to build an empire as well and didn't grow up the way I did, so he got most of his information from mafia movies and other resources. Shortly after I started becoming big and well known in the business, he became enraged and filled with hatred and jealousy towards me. He has tried many times throughout the years to try and scorn me and torch my reputation and take down my empire, but has failed. As you can tell, he hasn't done too well for himself seeing as to how he is obviously working for somebody else." I laughed towards the end.

"That's it?! This is all because he is jealous of you and is trying to get back at you?" Harlie asked confused and unconvinced that I was telling her everything and she was right. I left out a couple of incidents that occurred between him and I where in return is the reason for the hostility he is portraying towards me.

"You're right. There is more to the story that I haven't told you or anybody else for that matter." I started.

I had to pause for a moment to take in a deep breath and as I let it out I tried to remember the very memories that took me a while in eventually forgetting what had happened. I need to make sure I keep my composure as I tell them what happened between Levins and I as it tends to enrage me in a way that nobody else has ever done to me. Not even Markus has seen that side of me.

He of course has seen me angry but not to the level that Levins can. But, here it goes....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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