CHAPTER 20: New Threat

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Last night was the best sex I ever had with any other woman and maybe that's because I haven't felt the way I do with her for anyone else before and although I am new to this type of area for relationships, I am more than willing to learn.

Today I had to collect from people who owed me money and while I was out doing that, she stayed at her house to handle a few things, including setting up some meetings with a few people she met that one night at the event.

While finishing up with the last person I needed to see, I quickly had gotten a call from Franklin who said I needed to come to Charlie's house now. He couldn't get her to calm down. She was both crying and pissed off at the same time.

Markus and I began to hurry towards the house as fast as we could and the moment the car came to an abrupt stop, I hurried and jumped out of the car then ran inside and a few of her men just pointed towards the office and I could already hear things being broken and thrown along with her yelling and crying a bit.

I almost hesitated to walk in when Franklin had turned and noticed me. He then walked up towards me real quick while Leila hurried out of the room.

"I have never seen her like this before." She says while walking past us.

"What the fuck is happening?" I asked him.

"She got a package today. It was a message." He states.

We all know in this business that when you say you were sent a 'message' most of the time that means a threat.

"From who?!" I asked.

"No name. But it was disturbing." He says while giving a nod to one of her guys behind me and a quick moment later, he was handed a box and showed me what was inside of it.

"What the fuck?" I replied in shock and disgust.

I was looking at a box full of what I can tell were ashes of human remains along with jewelry.

"Somebody fucking sent her parents ashes along with her mother's jewelry and father's wedding ring." He explains.

"Oh my god." I replied.

"We already are looking into it but as you can both see and hear, she isn't taking this well." He says before walking out and wishing me luck as he closes the door behind me.

I would be lying if I stated that I wasn't terrified to be in the room with her. Although I obviously don't blame her for her response to the threat. So I take in a deep breath and let it out before taking a few steps towards where I see her pacing back and forth.

She stops moving the moment she see's me.

"Can you fucking believe that sick fuck?! I mean who the fuck does that?! That is beyond fucking disrespectful! Period!" She shouts at me.

"I know. I agree." I reply.

She then looks at me and begins to cry while sitting down on the sofa as I begin going to sit next to her.

"I just don't understand why people have to be so sadistic. Revolting. Not that it makes me a better person but somebody who does that makes me want to reply back with something that is ten times more threatening than theirs was." She says.

I try and rub her back to comfort her then she places her head onto my chest as I pull her in closer.

There's no doubt in my mind that she is more than capable on handling this situation and if I were the one who made the threat in the first place, I would kill myself before she got to them. However, in the back of my head, and maybe this is due to the fact we are together and I want to protect what is mine, but I feel I need to handle this also at the same time. To send a message to others that you don't fuck with the ones I love.

Just as she would like to get Rocco and his men, I too feel the same way about this situation. I want in on the action also.

Eventually, Harlie did calm down and we walked out of the office with everyone looking at her and most giving the looks of hesitation in saying anything to her because of how quickly she reacted and blew up (despite them understanding as to why).

I suppose their reactions are mainly because they aren't used to having a woman blow up the way she did or something at least along those lines.

Throughout the rest of the day and night, we tried focusing on her important meetings coming up and she even spoke with me and mentioned how the supplier she met through Rocco had recently heard what he tried doing and apologized as well as reassuring her that the offer to doing business with him still stands as well as helping us locate Rocco and his men and is not in business with him.

In which of course I would hope he wasn't but still, she said that was good news to her because the man she had met reassured her that he would definitely help bring money back into her father's empire.

She amazes me everyday and surprises me with the way she holds herself and has been handling things so far.

More than before, I do believe she has what it takes to get her title. She is nothing like how I pictured or had portrayed her to be in my mind at the beginning of all this.

In all actuality too, how could you NOT fall for somebody like her?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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