CHAPTER 9: A Knack For This.....

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Honestly, I can't remember exactly everything I had just said a few moments ago but the parts I do remember, I have no regrets.

Something I hate above most of my pet peeves, is when people continue to lie after I have shown them proof/evidence to show they are wrong and yet still REFUSE to acknowledge and accept the fact they are wrong and are indeed lieing.

After I finished rinsing my mouth out. I felt real hungry and was going to have Franklin take me to the diner up the street a ways when I felt someone grab my arm and harshly pull me off to the side.

I quickly snap my arm out from their grasp and yell at whoever it was.

"Hey! What the hell?!" I snapped. Then when I saw it was Kane, I felt even more pissed off.

"What the hell did you think you were doing back there?!" He fires at me.

"Woah there! Okay, FIRST of all, I killed it in there. And second of all, I already know why you're upset and I know it wasn't a good idea to go out last night then be late this morning on account of me wanting to sleep off my hangover, but I'm not a child and I don't need for you to give me some kind of a lecture!" I tell him while poking at his shoulder.

He looked a bit shocked. In which I am starting to quickly see is a trend between him and I.

"Well besides me commending you for your bravery in choice of words back there, you need to take this shit seriously more and understand that this is not a game and you are in way over your head. So get your shit together or else, the deal is off and I get those businesses." He says.

I stand there and scowl at him for a moment longer before saying anything.

"Like hell you will! And go fuck yourself! You're just jealous and butt hurt over the fact I actually handled that meeting like a damn boss!" I smirked.

"That's it! You think those five minutes of pure luck and some type of soft spot that bitch, Antony in there has for you, was enough for you to believe you're a real Mafia Boss now, then you don't need me anymore. And I WILL be taking those businesses from you! You have no idea in how ruthless I can be. Soon though, you will find out what it REALLY takes to get the title of Mafia Boss." He snapped.

Now at first, it didn't phase me and despite him being right in the fact maybe I felt a little over my head and fueled with an adrenaline rush I had just gotten from inside, maybe I should take a second to think about some things real fast.

When Franklin walked over to me, he seemed to have overheard everything and told me that I needed to hurry and catch Kane to apologize because we really do need him.

I swear in this moment I feel like I am a kid who hurt some other kids feelings on the playground and am being forced to apologize to them.

I rolled my eyes while at the same time agreeing I may have gone too far and went to stop Kane right before he opened his car door.

"Wait!" I said.

He turns around and still looks angry.

"Like I told you before. I don't have time for petty games. This is MY life and not something I take too lightly. Not to mention I also warned you in the beginning of how I felt about people wasting my time. So if you think you know everything then so be it. Have it your way! Go ahead and do your thing!" He snaps back at me.

"Look, I'm sorry." I began to apologize in a nicer tone of voice and as sincere as I possibly could, hoping he believed me, since half of me really does think he is partially right in what he said.

He looks away after looking at me for a moment and when he looks back at me, I hear him let out a breath and then tells me to get into the car.

"What?" I asked.

"Another tip for in becoming a Mafia Boss. When people ask you what or why after you told them to do something, don't explain. Just repeat it one more time (if necessary) or just walk away." He says. "It's simple."

Although I don't want him to think he is in charge of me, I will let this one slide and file it under him training me.

"Okay. For the record though, I am only agreeing to go with you because I am hungry and you are going to take me to that diner not too far from here." I tell him with my arms crossed over my chest and he seemed to be scowling at me still but I didn't care.

"You still have a lot to learn." He shook his head while mumbling.

"Yeah. Yeah." I rolled my eyes before I got into the car on the side he was going to get in on and closed the door while smiling sarcastically through the window at him.

I could tell he was irritated and again, I didn't care. Just as I told him before also in the beginning that I am not falling for his charm or any tricks he has.

Franklin and the guys along with Kane's guys all followed us as we headed towards the diner and had some delicious pancakes.

Things weren't as awkward as I thought they might be and instead, he took advantage of that time to give me a few more pointers, including how to handle meetings in the future, especially with Antony.

Deep down, I was feeling both a bit terrified and a little excited because I got Antony to agree in setting things up again that could possibly help save my father's empire, financially, while at the same time, helping build my credibility and getting me closer to earning that title of Mafia Boss. Or in my opinion, Mafia Queen.

Huh, maybe I have a knack for this after all.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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