CHAPTER 18: My ONLY Weakness

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The next few days seemed to be a little more chaotic than usual due to random things happening along with some mistakes being made with some shipments of mine.

Not sure exactly in what was happening other than I couldn't focus as much as I normally do on things because I am desperately needing to find out where Rocco is and try to take him out before he tries anything.

I know I promised Harlie already that she could help kill him but at the same time, now that I have made her mine and care about her a lot, I am more protective than ever.

This wouldn't just be some typical enemy that I needed to protect her from. Instead, this was going to be more personal. Speaking of which, I had suggested in us not making it public that we were together so that others didn't use her against me but she told me she wasn't going to live like that and brought up a valid point in the fact that she is already a target and that she isn't about being secretive. Despite how dangerous it is. In which I agree but wanted HER to make that choice.

Never thought I would ever be in a relationship or ever want to be in one in the first place. Then again, here she was to change all of that.

Unsure if whether or not we should be going back and forth between one another's place, we had talked about staying at hers then realized that may not be the best of plans.

We next then discussed possibly staying here at my place and then weren't sure about that neither.

With all of that aside, we both knew we had to continue going on with what we always do while waiting until we find Rocco and his guys.

Today I had an important meeting with one of the guys I have always looked up to, growing up and who had helped give me some good advice.

We've already been discussing things for the past almost two hours and most of the time we were catching up on each other's lives, since we haven't spoken for a year and he didn't come to the event.

"Before I leave here, there was something I had wanted to discuss." He begins.

"Alright." I replied.

"This girl of yours, Harlie?" He asks.

"Yes?" I replied while swallowing the huge lump in my throat the moment he said her name.

"You love her?" He asks.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Just be careful. Both of you, need to be careful." He warns me out of worry.

The look upon his face and the way he told me that, made me right away understand why he warned me because of how he has lost one wife after another.

The man has been married three times and has told me how painful it was to lose each one. He would remind me the painful truth about this life by telling me those stories in particular.

He used to tell me that losing ones you love and have allowed to be closer to you than anyone else, that was worst pain than being shot or even stabbed. Which according to all his scars, I could tell he knew those depths.

That was part of the reason also as to why I hesitated to ever let anyone in. Anyone close.

"Thanks. I promise we will and to answer your question, Yes. I love her." I smiled at him as he did in return.

Never thought those words would come out of my mouth but they have and yet, I hesitate in saying them to Harlie because things are new, including her and I.

Then again, just goes to show as to how you can't predict what fate will do and how it'll mess with your life at times.

I had wanted him to meet with Harlie before he left but unfortunately, she couldn't make it and he had even offered for us to come and stay with him at his home in Spain.

While sitting there for a while longer in my office after he left, I couldn't stop thinking about telling him I loved Harlie.

"So how did the meeting go, boss?" I heard Markus asks - interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, good." I replied while turning around in my chair.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Of course. So any news of Rocco and his men?" I asked him to try and change the subject.

"Not yet. Our guys even have gotten the word out to others in other countries. Just in case." He states.

"Good. Hopefully we can catch him soon." I replied.

"Agreed." He says.

"Well, I'm going to finish up some things around here so when Harlie returns back from grabbing her things at her house, we can go out to dinner." I tell him.

"Okay." He replied and right before turning around to leave, he stops himself. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asks me one final time.

"Yeah." I replied.

The moment he left, I began wondering if the look I have upon my face is worry. In which would make sense I suppose because after the meeting moments ago, while I am happy to love someone like Harlie, I also can't help but be worried at the same time in him being right, where we have to be more worried now.

She has become my weakness. The ONLY thing ever in my life that could be used against me and that I would risk everything for. End me.

I understand she is more than well aware and understanding about the fact we could be used against one another, with us deciding to be together, but as we said before, we both feel the risk is worth it.

I was able to finish getting things done by the time she had returned with a couple bags of hers from her house.

The both of us agreed to keep some of her things here at my house and some of mine at hers because after going back and forth since what happened with Rocco the other night, neither of us wanted to give up living where we lived and as long as we were together, it was all that mattered.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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