CHAPTER 21: The First Meeting

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After receiving that revolting threat in the mail a few days ago, I have spent so much of my time trying to figure who would have done such a thing.

I have even thought of the fact it could be the very same person who put a hit on my father and murdered him. Then again, it could be Rocco too.

Despite the fact that I am not exactly sure in what the threat had meant, I didn't care. It didn't matter really as to why the person sent it to me in the first place because either way, it was a sick thing to do and unforgivable.

In fact, just for doing that, the person who did it better hope to God I don't find them. No mercy will be shown upon this person at all. Including those who were in bed in it as well.

Today was the day I was going to meet up with whom Rocco had introduced me to as his supplier named Dedrick and also one of the gentlemen I was introduced to at the event Kane threw and had introduced to me that night, named Horatio.

Turns out both of these men actually have been doing dealings with each other for years. So they suggested we meet together.

Once I finished getting ready, I was walking towards the front door where some of the guys were waiting for me while the others were already out in the two cars waiting for me also and as soon as I stepped into one of the cars, I noticed Kane and Franklin were both sitting already inside.

"What are you two doing in here? Franklin, I thought you were still resting?" I mentioned.

"I feel better, boss." He winked and smirked at me.

"Alright. Good. But then what are you doing here?" I asked Kane.

"From now on I am coming to all of your meetings." He smirks.

"Kane. We talked about this. I can't have you doing that. Things will look as if I need my boyfriend there and I as a woman can not handle the aftermath of things like what happened the other night. I need to show everyone that I can get right the hell back up." I remind him.

"And as I told you, it doesn't matter what others may think. Trust me, we can just tell them that you and I had made a deal with each other and that I agreed to YOU offering me to bring a partner in this upcoming deal." He smiles a little more.

"But I...." I tried to protest towards him until Franklin stepped in.

"Harlie. Trust him. You won't look weak by any means. For one thing, nobody knows you two are together in an intimate relationship and second of all, by him mentioning you both being business partners in these upcoming deals, I can reassure you that knowing the both of these men for many years, they will not think less of you. It will indeed make you look great because as Kane just mentioned, he'll inform them that he will make it sound as if he needed your help and not the other way around." Franklin explains.

I look back and forth between the both of them for a moment before rolling my eyes of annoyance and realizing the car is already moving and there is no turning back now.

"Fine. This better not backfire and prove you both wrong!" I snapped at them.

Kane and Franklin both began to break out into laughter as did I.

When we finally arrived at the place I had the meeting with Rocco for the first time at since I had decided then and there that was a good place tohave a meeting at, we all sat down around the table.

"Kane. Surprised to see you here." Horatio commented.

"Yes well, a couple of days ago, I came to Harlie here to ask for some help and become partners with each other. She truly knows her shit." Kane complimented me.

Both Horatio and Dedrick looked at me and smiled then nodded their heads at Kane and me before we began discussing the deals they wanted to present to me.

Markus and Franklin as always, sat on both sides of Kane and I while the others stood around like usual.

"Now, as I was suggesting to you before, Harlie, I believe that by making sure things are well put together and come straight from the guy I have been using for many years, you will get back all the money your father lost and then some, in less than a year." Horatio states.

"And as I had mentioned to you as well, I am willing to match the same amount he is offering. The only thing with my deal that is different a little bit from Horatio's here is that the shipments can become tricky. To cross the borders with the kind of merchandise that we are trying to sell, many will need to be bought. Therefore, that's when things can get messy sometimes." Dedrick begins to explain.

"Well of course there will be difficulties. I am sure that many will refuse the offers and could possibly shut everything down. Then again, that is why I have agreed to doing business with you gentlemen. It is true that you both have more experience in these fields more than I do. Which is why I also am putting my trust in the both of you making sure we don't run into any problems." I started explaining.

"My suggestions, in how to get some of our merchandise across the borders are by using vessels, if you will, that they wouldn't even THINK about checking. For example, I have looked for events coming up and one of them happens to be motocross. Now, since we all here already know that you both have young boys who are more than big fans of some of these motorists in the race, I am willing to offer them a chance to not only get front row seats to the big show, but also some backstage passes, along with a meet-and-greet type of a deal, as well as joining these motorists for their big after-party that unfortunately, has a full guest list already." I offered.

"But we can do that." Horatio replies.

"But I know some of them personally who have also agreed to even help us through customs, if needed." I smiled.

I knew they didn't have THOSE kind of connections and the best way to get through without being questioned or anything was to use this opportunity to ask some of my friends who I have known for years to help me out with.

Leila has a cousin even who can help us out as well.

It took a good long moment until they both nodded their heads in agreement and seemed a bit surprised I came up with that idea.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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