CHAPTER 31: Another Side Of Him

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We all sat around and waited to hear Kane talk more. Because I for sure wanted to make sure it wasn't truly over any immature and petty shit as he made it sound like.

"One of the first deals I had ever made as my own boss was a great deal, of course. Then on the same night of the meeting I had with the person, I had gotten word about Levins getting to the man and striking a deal with him. The deal was so good that the guy made sure I was told by one of his men that he was going to do business with Levins instead of me. Knowing how competitive this business can be at times, I realized in that moment also that you can't trust very many." He stopped himself for a moment while I noticed him cracking his knuckles.

"I remember that night." Markus remarked.

"Yeah." Kane replied before continuing on. "Anyways, after that night, I later found out that he had told the guy I had no clue what I was doing and that my uncle had lied about many important deals, including the ones he had made in the past to get him to where he was. Same as my father. He also told the guy that my suppliers were second grade people who were not reliable and whom could put our deals at risk. I'm which he practically was stating that I would be too much of a liability and that he himself has far more experience and connections with certain people, more than I did."

"Did not make any sense to me but when I tried speaking with the guy, he just told me to fuck off. Upset would be an understatement. However, once my uncle had gotten word about everything he ended up helping me out by gettig me a meeting with someone who turned out to be higher ranked than him in the business and is the very same person that I still to this day admire and remain in contact with." He states.

"Wow. That's fucked up." I tell him. However, no offense, I still didn't believe that was the worst part.

"The part that drove me to wanting to kill him though was when I found out he tried putting a hit out on my mother and uncle. Yet he only succeeded with my mother." Kane finishes stating with a struggle.

"But I thought your mother overdosed?" I asked.

"She did, but not voluntarily. She was drugged." He confesses. "And I found out it was by him." Kane finished.

We all went silent for a few moments before I finally started to say something.

"Kane, I am so sorry." I tried to comfort him but suddenly I saw the look on his face.

I couldn't decipher whether or not he was infuriated or worse. He next abruptly stood up and started angrily pacing back and forth for a moment before stopping and looking at all of us with hatred in both his voice and entire demeanor.

"When we return back home. We are going to end all of this. I want his head on a fucking platter." He states.

I must admit that this side of him was a bit terrifying to say the least. Although we have all seen his angry side that I find to be a bit scary already, this was entirely different and more horrifying. This was more like I wouldn't be able to calm him down, type of an expression.

Before any of us are able to say anything, he storms out of the house into the backyard and I hear him soon after closing the sliding glass door, yell out, reminding me of my dad yelling at me for doing something wrong.

I know I should let him calm down. Though all I want to do is wrap my arms around him and try to comfort him right now instead.

"Have you ever seen him like this before?" I asked Markus, despite already assuming I know the answer.

"Never. But I do know him. Give him a little time." Markus suggested and I agreed.

Leila and Markus decided to bring out some poker chips and cards to pass the time until Kane returned back inside as I too joined them.

After the third game, it had already been a few hours that passed by and I no longer could wait. I felt my instincts kick in to tell me to go out to him.

So I excused myself while Leila wished me good luck and then I told them to start preparing dinner and that we would be in in a little while.

I stood at the sliding glass door that lead out into the backyard and took in a deep breath then let it out before opening the doors and stepping outside to walk up to him.

Just looking at him sitting on the ledge of the stoned wall that was connected to the side of the steps that divided the patio from the pool area, he looked so defeated.

I tried to approach him with caution as I walked up beside him and sat next to him on the wall, I looked out ahead at the pool and the trees before feeling his hand touch mine.

"I'm sorry." He says.

I grip his hand a little more before replying and looking at him with a smile.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Your reaction was more than appropriate and understandable." I try to reassure him.

"But I never wanted to get to that point. Especially in front of you. I seem to go to a place that I myself am not even sure I can return from. And I don't want to become like my father and how his temper was." He tells me.

We look into one another's eyes and I try and reassure him that he is nothing like his father.

We both share a romantic and passionate kiss before sitting there a little longer, watching the sunset before heading back inside and having a delicious dinner, drinking a good amount of wine before calling it a night.

Next chapter will be posted seconds after this one! :) So hope you enjoy! :)

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