CHAPTER 33: The Time Has Come

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Through the next couple of weeks, we all tried coming up with a plan of how to take down these assholes.

Then as soon as we figured out a plan, we all prepared ourselves and tonight was the night before we all traveled to where Rocco and them were at to follow through with our surprise attack.

While brushing my hair as I sat down in front of the vanity desk Kane had bought for me a couple weeks ago, getting ready for bed and started thinking about my father and how far I have come along already in this lifestyle.

Then I begin thinking back to the moment I first had found out what it was my father did for a living.

It was Easter, I was six and every year, I would get a basket filled with chocolates and a stuffed bunny. After opening the basket, all my cousins as well as my father's friends' kids, would have a big egg finding contest.

There would be a mixture for both real dyed eggs and plastic ones also. The plastic ones each had $100 dollar bills in them. There were so many that you could easily have collected $5,000 at the least if you were lucky enough.

This one Easter though, I was becoming much luckier than I had been years before and I was trying to look for the final three eggs I had needed to equal $5,000.

I found one egg hidden inside a tree and then noticed something shiny hidden in between the bushes and saw a glimpse of what appeared to be a gold Rolex watch. While trying to push the bushes aside to grab it, I instantly began to struggle and thought it was caught on the branches or something but after pulling even more, I suddenly felt something cold and looking further through the brush, I immediately jumped back and began to scream.

Shortly after screaming everybody hurried over to me and my parents had tried to shield me away from looking any longer at the body but I never got it out of my head.

Later that night was when I was explained as to what he did for a living.

My thoughts are quickly interrupted as I hear the bedroom door open and in walks Kane looking a little bit tired.

I finish up and turn to look at him as he walks over towards the dresser and begins setting his wrist watch down on top before getting down into his boxers.

"Are you okay?" I asked, sensing something was wrong.

"I'm fine." He replied rather coldly.

"You don't seem fine. Do you want to talk about it?" I ask him.

"Not particularly." He snaps back.

Although I am wanting to make sure that he will be focused tomorrow and won't let whatever is going on with him right now I terfere, I personally would rather save my energy for what is to take place tomorrow.

So I just stand up and walk over towards the bed and get in underneath the covers next to him as he lays down on his side facing away from me while I turn out the light next to me and lay down on my side, facing away from him.

I can hear him several times let out a breath of frustration and am starting to get irritated myself.

"Okay, something is apparently bothering you and I can't sleep if you continue to sulk all night. Tomorrow is too important to be losing any sleep. So what's the hell is going on?" I demanded while turning on the light and sitting up.

He then sits up with his back against the headboard and begins to tell me.

"I'm sorry." He says in a much calmer voice. "It's just, knowing what we are going to be doing soon has gotten me to all flustered in a way and for the first time...." He pauses.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I am terrified at what could happen in the end." He admits.

"I know." I confess also. "I have been thinking a lot about that too but we have to think about all of this as just another job. Besides, I don't have a bad feeling about it." I try to reassure him.

He nods his head in agreement while taking my hand in his and smiling at me. We both lean in and give one another a passionate long kiss before turning the lights out again and spooning with each other before eventually falling asleep.

Now, despite me feeling like things will be okay tomorrow, I know that I can not make promise with that but at the same time, I thought it was better to try and reassure him we would be okay. Because at the end of the day, whatever happens will happen.

We both know what is at stake in doing this and I am just looking at this with no personal attachment to any of it as much as just looking to it as being another job for us.

Not to mention what I stated earlier in how this will be a good message to send to the others who dare to try and cross us in the future.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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