Just a bad day

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Trophy p.o.v (yes trophy <33)

i wake up to that stupid tissues sneezing again! God he's so annoying. But I needed to wake up anyways, it's already 7:25 I usually wake up at 7:30 anyways to go workout and stuff so I just got up and walked too the kitchen to make my protein shake.

•~2 hours later~•

I've been working out for about 1 hour and 45 minutes so I decided to take a break. I walk down the hallway and trip on literally nothing and hit my eye. "OW! Gosh dang it!" I yelled. "How did that even happen?! I'm not even clumsy or anything!" I sighed and went back to my room to go see how bad it was. "Holy sh-" im my eye was swelling and it was red. "Well that's great!" I said sarcastically.

[jus' so y'all know I barely know any big boy words so I'm kinda just going with what I know agieoewg]

I just brushed it off and went back to go jog or something. I didn't really have a schedule for a workout today so I just went with the flow.

I notice someone walked outside.

"Great." I Said.

It was knife.

"Oh it's just you." He growled back.

[werewolf kni- /j]

"Oh shut up you dull dumb#ss."I said in a rude tone. "Okay, I'll just do what the participation trophy tells me too." He laughed.
He walked off but being called a participation trophy made me feel funny.

[bros really overthink for being called a participation trophy. Dw man me too me too.]

I got up and walked back inside. It was already 2pm. I already missed breakfast and lunch?! Wow. I thought. Though, I'm not really hungry anyways I'll grab a snack or something and head off.

I thought about what knife said for a while. About an hour. Still didn't know what he meant but, the way I see it I'm not very great and I'm pathetic. But that's okay because I know I'm great and I always will be! Right?

I decided to just go to bed even though it was only 4pm. I woke up at about 7:30pm to tissues. But he woke me up on purpose. "Oj told me to come wake you up. He wants to know why you haven't eaten all day." He said. "Oh I was just tired really I'm coming to go get some food." I responded standing up and walking out the door.

I was pretty hungry now so I grabbed some food ate it and went back to my room and went back to bed. I woke up due to a nightmare

"It's just a bad day" I said to myself.

(457 words)Ah yes the end of this chapter

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(457 words)
Ah yes the end of this chapter.  And yes I know it was short and made no sense but that's because I have absolutely no ideas at all- give me ideas ples WAAH

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