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[idk. this chapter will be coming soon! idk when but im gonna go ahead and post it, im going to say this one last time. i have left the object show community and moved to MHA and Undertale. the object show community was becoming really unhealthy and toxic for my likings and i didnt want to be in it anymore. im just finishing this book for the people who actually read it. thank you. oh! and give me ideas for this chapter plsplspls]

[okay here ya go]

Trophys p.o.v

Its been a few days and everything has been going okay here at the hotel. Nobody has said anything rude since I got back, just weird faces. Almost like concerned and/or confused looks. Its been nice and quiet, I got my camera back because it was "lost" (Knife took it as a joke) and ive been making a few new friends and ive been taking more photos and I had finally got people from the hotel to take a nice big photo with me,

[I might draw this]

its a nice photo and its hanging up in my room. Things have been going nice and swell here. Im enjoying myself, oj just called me to come to his office and I walked inside. Oj, Paper, and Candle were sitting in there. They explained to me about the therapy.

~•13 mins later•~

"So, you can do some therapy with Candle and/or go to a therapist somewhere else. What do you want to do?" Oj asked. "I think im gonna stick with Candle, im more comfortable speaking with someone I know better." "Sounds great dear, I will see you Tuesday at 11AM, how does that sound?" Candle asked me. "That sounds great too, thank you Candle, Oj, and Paper. You guys are so kind." "no problem" they all said as i walked out of the office.

"Its just for your own good."
i continued mumbling to myself. What if she tried to send me to a mental hospital or something. I felt my chest getting tight and it felt like my lungs were being grasped roughly. i sat down hyperventilating trying to get air into my lungs. I already knew this was gonna be a panic attack but i just couldn't take the deep breaths and started hysterically crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Candle. She sang a song, at least i think thats what it was. Her voice is soft and soothing, it helped me calm down a bit and I slowly stabalized my breathing and gave her a hug. "Thanks Candle." "No problem Trophy, thats what im here for. To help you."

[447 words]

woo trophy is finally getting therapyyy

give me ideas for next xhapter or i will cancel this whole series /hj...

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