The talk

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[hehe, i see candle as a mom :) ]

Candles P.O.V

*sigh* I stood up and slowly walked up the stairs to Trophys room. Who knew the stable mental health jock would become self conscious and insecure? I pity his poor soul, he needs too eat and im going to help him no matter what. I will always be by his side until he's able to start recovering alone.

I made it too his room and gently knocked on the door three times.
"Mm.. Hello?" He said opening the door. "Trophy; Hello!" i responded, "I think we need to have a little talk, dont worry you're not in trouble!" "...Okay..? Come in," He said, I walked inside and told him to sit on his bed and i pulled up a chair infront of him. "Trophy.. whats been on your mind?" "i- well uhm.. uh.." "Take your time, no rush." He sighed. "Okay well..."

He told me everything. No hesitation. I felt terrible, why would they say that? Why would they do that? People are sick.. Trophy has already apologized for the way he was and already apologized to Knife! What kind of sick people would say those things, and do those things? Trophy had clearly changed and they ruined him! I can't belive them.

[ruh roh mama candle is mad]

[221 words]

so.. idk how many chapter theyre gonna be but yeah!!!

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