what is happening?

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[this is upsetting. Also this chapter kinda has some overthinking in it and some crying soo agdmtosbdb]

Oj's p.o.v [OMGA oj!???!?]

*s i g h* "Today was a handful." I said. "Everyday is a handful oj." Paper said. "I'm going to have to talk to pepper and salt though." I said. "Why?" Paper asked. "Well, they were saying bad things about trophy." I responded. "Like what?" He asked again. "Well, they.. uh- saying things like 'omg he needs the learn how to control himself before he gets kicked out of the hotel' or, 'he's so stupid! Yeah I know! Like doing that to knife? Can you even imagine doing that!' And 'he's worthless! I mean, he is a participation trophy! Where's the worth in that?' It's really rude to say things like that don't ya think?"

"Yes that's very rude." Paper said. "Now, let's go talk to them right now if they're awake, it's about 8:30AM right now so, they should be awake.

Trophy's p.o.v [uh oh]

What. I heard oj talking to paper and I cannot believe what I just heard. They think I'm worthless? I thought. Hah! It's gonna take more than that to bring be down! Nothing is gonna bring me down that easily.

•~ an hour later~•

"WHY IS THIS SO HARD?! I DO IT EVERY DAY!" I shouted, not being able to lift the 35 pound weight. I noticed how shaky I was. "Dang I haven't eaten! Maybe that's why, I'll go get something." I noticed the chocolate cake in the fridge. "Chocolate." I said taking a huge piece of it and running of laughing. "hehehehehe"

It's been a few hours and that cake was delicious. I remembered what I had heard from oj, about what salt and pepper said. Am I really that worthless? There's no way im amazing! I was cut off by tissues opening the door. He walked in and fell asleep on his bed. gah dayum- how he be goin to sleep so easily. Wish I could do that. I was just thinking and thinking

Still thinking

Still thinking

I noticed something, a tear. Why am I crying?
I shouldn't be crying right now nothing is wrong and nothing even happened! I'm fine. I brushed it off and just started staring at the ceiling trying to get my mind off of everything.

Maybe what they said is true. What if I do get kicked out and what if I am that worthless?

There's no way! I'm the best person in the world and nobody is going to take away my confidence with a few words! How silly.

I woke up. Seems I fell asleep crying or something cuz' my eyes are all puffed up. "Well that's not very hot." I said. I'm just gonna take a break today. Maybe lay in bed and watch TV. Oj tells me to take a break every now and then so this is my break. He really needs to take his own advice. Bro needs a break.

I sat down to watch TV after I went and got a waffle. Yes. One. Single. Waffle. Cry about it.
I was watching this show called 'a series of unfortunate events' it was pretty interesting to see children suffer.

I've been watching this for 3 hours. Holy crap-

I went to lay down again. I had a huge headache and I started tearing up a bit thinking about what salt and pepper said again.

"what is happening?"
I said, laying down in bed.

[586 words]Yes new chapter

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[586 words]
Yes new chapter. Eat up. Gebdofegavlrowu I'm still thinking about what I'm gonna do in the next chapter. And yes you can see the photo of cheesy and trophy in the background and no they aren't dating (yet) they're just friends who are gay for each other and won't admit it.

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