scattered brain

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[uwah! sorry!!! i almost forgot i created this!]

Microphone p.o.v[bro found trophy knocked out]

I was panicked, trophy is knocked out! Well, passed out. I picked him up and brought him to my room, i looked carefully at him though. He looked dull, pale, tired, and hungry, he also had bandages on his arm. He hasn't been out of his room much either and he hasn't been working out. Is he sick? Maybe the flu? Maybe its not a physical sickness..? Maybe hes mentally drained? I dont know. All i know is, i'll help him.

I made it to my room and sat him down on the spare bed i have since knife just left for a vacation so hes not gonna be here for about 2-3 weeks, maybe longer. i was just worried about trophy right now though, he just passed out! RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY!! Uwah, im so panicked! I wonder what happened. I should probably go get him food, he likes katsudon right? Mmm... katsudon.. so yummy. UWAH! Im gonna go make him some right now!

[just so you know, im not making Uwah like a part of mic's pesonality im just getting really interested in other things now and im not paying much attention to the osc!]

After i made the katsudon i went back to my room and tried to wake trophy up.

he wont wake up.

I shook him with my hand.

he wont wake up.

I put the katsudon down and shook him with both my hands.

he wont wake up.
I yelled and he still wouldn't wake up. I ran downstairs to get Oj and i told him about what happened and he ran past me up the stairs and i heard my door wham open and i heard Oj yell and i hear commotion upstairs. I heard cheesy and i think nickel and balloon? I dont know. All i know is that Oj ruched back down the stairs with Trophy a few minutes later and the ambulance were outside. "What the fuck?" i asked shivering. "Don't worry about it Mic." It was Soap, she pulled me closer into a hug.

He was off to the hospital,
but why?

(377 words)

UWAH IM SORRY!!! anyways i hope you liked this chapter and im giving you guys another cliffhanger mwahahaha.

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