Panic Attack

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[so yay there's gonna be no ED but he's gonna starve himself somewhere in the book like he's doing now so uh yeah 🧍‍♀️]

Cheesys p.o.v [omga cheesy?!?]

I went around asking EVERYONE where trophy was but nobody knew- jeez I need to handle him better.

[haha get it? handle? Haha so funny /j]


[mha reference. "STOOOTOOOOOO"]

"TROPHY WHERE ARE YOUUUU?!" jeeeeez where is the gay man?!? I can't find him- I'll start looking outside or something!
~•about 15 minutes later•~
Oh I found him! He's taking pictures of flowers and insects. It's cute y'know? "heya tro, whats up?"i asked "the sky." He said "Well that's rude-" I was cut off with a, "cry about it." "Yo trophy whats wrong?" I asked him. "nothing. Just nothing.."

Yeah I'm not buying that- I gave him a kiss and left him alone for a little while.

Trophy's p.o.v

it's been a whole 2 weeks and I've barely eaten and people are still talking sheet about me. this is just great. I'm trying not to let it bother me but it's just so much negativity and it's so stressful I don't know what to do at this point except let it bring me down. I don't know how to talk to people about my feelings. I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. I give it about a week or 2. hah.

I'm so tired too. I can't sleep and I haven't been working out. but it's okay-! Wait no it's not, I NEED TO GO WORK OUT OR SOMETHNG-.

these weights are as heavy as 1000 pounds. These are literally 20 pounds. This makes no sense-.'i just want to lift some weights.
I give up hhhhh- I'm going to get some chocolate cake or something.

god DUCKING DANGIT. I hear people talking about me again and I ran to my room to be alone!
~•about 15 minutes later•~
I can't stop thinking about what people say about me. I started to cry not even caring at this point. I can't help it anymore I have to let it all out.

I started to have a panic attack.

cheesys p.o.v

I walked back to my room. Me and trophy share a room now because of the problems that trophy and tissues had.

"holy shot."

I walked in to see trophy sitting on his bed crying. "Ayo troph? you're looking a little blue there." I noticed something, he hadn't responded just continued crying. I realized, I think he's having a panic attack! "woah woah, trophy? TROPHY??" I didn't know what to do so I just grabbed his hand and rubbed it gently. "Deep breaths trophy, deep breathes." I really had no idea what I was doing but it worked! "Hey bud, you okay?" I asked a little panicked about what just happened. "huh-? Yeah. I'm fine! I always will be, you can go do whatever you were doi-"

I gave him a hug. He tried to refuse for a bit but, he hugged me back and started to sob.
poor guy. I wonder what happened.

(513 words)finallyyyy sorry this chapter took so long I didn't know what to write lol- but here ya go hehe!! 🤭✨

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(513 words)
finallyyyy sorry this chapter took so long I didn't know what to write lol- but here ya go hehe!! 🤭✨

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