Arts n' Crafts!

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[another silly little chapter until I can think of something angsty to make]

Lightbulbs p.o.v (LIGHTBULB!1!!1)

it's Saturday! The cherries don't have school! I'm so happy we can do arts and crafts with painty today! Well painty isn't free today... BUT! I can do arts and crafts with the cherries and.... Hm.. trophy is good with kids, maybe I can ask him if he wants to! He's been looking a little down lately. I'm sure it will brighten him up!

[haha get it "brighten"]

What's his room again-? Right! He's on the 3rd floor!
-elevator doors open then close-
-elevator doors open then close-
Hm... room... there it is! *knock knock*
"Trophy!!! It's mee!!" "oh, uh yeah?" He asked opening the door running his eyes. They're puffy! Testy says when someone cries and they rub their eyes they get puffy like that! Hm. Trophy was crying? I broke from my thinking, "Sorry trophy, anyways. Do you want to do arts and crafts with me and the cherries today?" I asked. "Sure, I don't see why not." He followed me back into the elevator and we went to the arts and crafts room. "Cherries!!!" "Lightbulb!"
the precious babiez. "Painty isn't free today so I got trophy, is that alright?" I asked. "Of course! Trophy is fun!" they responded. "Well let's get to the crafts!!"

Trophy's p.o.v

This is fun. I like drawing, it's relaxing. But watercolors are better! I want them. I'm gonna get them. "uh lightbulb?" "Yes trophy??" "Do you have water colors somewhere?" "Yup! In the drawer over there!" "Thanks." I went and grabbed the watercolors and started to paint.

Lightbulbs p.o.v

Wow trophy is actually really good with water colors! His painting is so pretty! And the cherries are just covered in paint and so am I. Haha!

[305 words]
Lol there's gonna be an angsty chapter soon i promise Hhhhhdhehekhpwhejwk bye ✌️

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