Somethings Off.

426 11 26

[idk if i should make him die or make him stay sad or make him have a healthy recovory and become happy again. you might be able to guess which one i pick 😉]

Trophy's p.o.v

I woke up and it was 4AM. "Dam- i mean dang why did i wake up so early?" I slowly stood up and stretched and when i tell you that stretch was the strechiest stretch ive ever stretched I mean it.

I walked out my room and it was pitch black. "Huh? Why is it so dark?" If you know me im 'slightly' scared of the dark, I walked down the dark hallway and i fell, I didn't stop falling. I was just falling and falling until i decided to start screaming.

"Trophy? TROPHY? Wake up you're having a nightmare!" I jumped up and saw Cheesy. "Huh? Oh hey!" My face glowed up when i saw him, I'm happy to see him. I gave him a hug and got out of bed, like actually got out of bed this isnt a dream.

We went downstairs and saw Oj chatting with Candle, I said hello to them and they said hello back. It's a good day today and everyone seems calm and joyful. Lightbulb was hanging out with Paintbrush outside, they were looking at a bird for some reason but who am I to judge?

<time skip, 4PM>

I was getting bored so I decided to take my camera and go outside. There are so many things i could take pictures of out here, so that's what I did. I spent hours outside taking pictures and Cheesy joined me a few times. I'm happy! Yeah, happy.

It's 8PM now and I finally decided to go inside. "Hey Trophy?" I looked over and Candle walked over to me. "Yeah, what's up?" "What have you eaten today?" She asked, then it hit me. I haven't eaten anything today and the day is already over. I thought I was getting better, I am getting better right? "Oh no, I forgot! I'm so sorry." "Hey, there's nothing to apologize for it's okay, I made you some food. Go eat some im going to head off to bed okay?" "Yeah, okay cya Candle!" "Bye Trophy." She waved and went upstairs. I walked in the kitchen and saw that she made some chicken and macaroni. "Oh heck yeah." I ate the food and went off upstairs and into my room, I was greeted by Cheesy who was laying in bed. We both went to sleep not long after.

<time skip, 2PM next day>

I woke up again, the clock said 4:10AM instead of just 4AM. I didn't know if this was another nightmare so I opened the door, then again. Pitch black, but this time I really couldn't see anything at all. I tried stepping out but I just fell. I gasped and woke up with a cold sweat, it was 2PM when I woke up. What is going on? Why has this nightmare happened twice now? I don't know why but it sent shivers down my spine and i was nervous about it.

"Somethings off." I said while standing up and going downstairs.

[533 words]

Yay!! I'm enjoying this, also. I have a new art style now!

 I have a new art style now!

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Live laugh love Trophy.

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