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[guyss I'm using my school iPad to write this cuz I got my phone taken! But it's okay this might be the only part I post for a little bit! But also, SH ATTEMPT AND THOUGHTS. AND SELF HATE yes I know it's early but it's not that bad also no art for this part either waah]

Trophy's p.o.v

I haven't been feeling the best for the past 3 days since I heard about what pepper and salt thought about me and I just can't help but feel everyone else thinks the same thing too. But I know I'm great I am!!! Ill always be the best no matter what anyone says!! I'm the best... I'm just lying to myself now aren't I. It's fine though I'm sure its normal everyone does that sometimes. It's nothing. Yeah, just.. nothing. Nothing to worry about. And nothing to care about.

I'm crying now. They're right. I'm worthless. I'm just gonna go get some fresh air or something to stop thinking about this I'm sure I'm just..


OJs p.o.v [oj my beloved]

"I haven't heard from trophy in about a day or two. I'm honestly kinda worried what if he hasn't been eati-" I was cut off by paper covering my mouth and seeing trophy walk into the kitchen to grab, one. Single. Waffle. Then rip it in half and throw the rest away. Then he walked to grab a soda and left. "That's not a lot of food to eat don't ya think?" I asked paper. "Maybe he's just not hungry?" He said. "Maybe.." I said. Oh yeah I'm definitely talking to him later anyways, just to make sure.

[bros gonna walk in on him with a kitchen kni-]

Me and paper just went back too the office to do some more work n' stuff.

Trophy's p.o.v

Wow. Half a waffle. Yum. I only ate 3 bites and threw it away I couldn't really eat much more anyways. 

[ honestly I'm not very sure how eating disorders work so someone please explain it to me ]

I heard more about what people thought about me. I guess I  too aggressive or too mean and annoying and to problematic and that I shouldn't be here and more negative stuff like that.

I'm tired of it.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Then walked back too my room.


I held it up to my arm letting my thoughts get to me. I just wanted to make the thought go away. I didn't want to feel like thins anymore. I didn't want people too hate me. I don't wanna be mean. I don't wanna be rude. I just wanna be myself without getting judged. 

I just want this to be.. over.

"Am I really about to do this?" I questioned myself. Oj just straight up walked in without asking at I was about to harm myself and literally tackled me. "OW WHAT THE FU-" I was cut off by oj literally yelling at me. Oopsieeee. "HOLY SHEET WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! WHATS WRONG!? ARE YOU OKAY!? DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TOO!? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? DO YOU NEE-" I cut him off with a simple "I'm fine." And obviously he didn't buy that.


OJs p.o.v

IM PANICKING WHY DID HE TRY TOO- WHATEVER I- I just need to find out what's wrong. "Trophy, please tell me why you would attempt something like this?" I asked him. "It's nothing. Just overthinking I'm sure it was just nothing I'm alright." He said. "Are you sure? Also you haven't been eating much are you alright?" I asked. "Yeah just not very hungry." He answered. "Alright.. I'm still keeping a close eye on you. Don't do that again." I said sounding like a fricking father or something.

[papa oj real]

I grabbed the knife and left just trying to think about what he could have been thinking about so I could help him out or something. He can be mean but that doesn't mean we shouldn't care about him. He is a person too.

Trophy's p.o.v

Well that's great. I was caught. By the one and only oj.

This is gonna suck.

[782 words]

Hey losers /j

Wasn't this chapter so heartwarming.

Anyways, I don't have my phone so this is weird and I also cannot reply to comments on here so I'm kinda just reading them so.. yeah- and I'm learning big boy words. Yay! But I'm going to bed again I have school- I just woke up from a nightmare and couldn't go back to bed so I wrote this to help and now I'm tired again so yeah! Bye bye loves!

*insert cool art* [SAY YOU LIKE IT NOW- /J]

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