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[goofy ahh book. Anyways, it's gonna start with the arts n' crafts chapter so yeah. Also, he's gonna be thinking a lot of bad things about himself and how he blackmailed knife SELF HARM WARNING]

Lightbulbs p.o.v[she about to mess up..]

We're painting! Trophy is showing us how to use the water colors and I'm making a cat! Trophy is being really nice for some reason. It's kinda weird, but that's okay! We're just hanging out with the cherries! Right? He's not gonna try and do something bad right? He's not manipulating us right? Nonono.. he wouldn't do that! ...?
"Hey trophy?"
"Are you planning to blackmail me?"



I didn't realize what I said until i noticed how pale and lifeless he looked. His eyes were dull and filled with sadness. I instantly regretted what I said due to the reaction he gave. He started to slowly cry and ran out the door. "TROPHY PLEASE WAIT!!" I yelled hoping to get his attention but, nothing worked.

Trophy's p.o.v
Nonononono she thinks I'm bad they all think I'm bad they think I'm a terrible person nothing is going to change their minds no matter how much I apologize nobody will understand nobody will care why why WHY WHY WHY WHY?? I ran up the stairs into my room running past a few of the other as they showed shocked faces and confused on how and why I was crying. They noticed lightbulb running behind me slightly crying. There was chattering and Cheesy, Oj, Pickle, Paintbrush and, paper followed after lightbulb ran past. I slammed my door and everything disappeared. I just shut down. The only thing that I could hear were these stupid voices in my head. "SHUT UP!!!" I yelled trying to get those stupid voices out of my head. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE FVCK UP!!!" All I heard was slight muttering and I felt people trying to comfort me. I still heard the voices. "NO!! PLEASE..!! Please.." I shouted, crying even more by the second. I felt weak, I felt like I couldn't do anything on the situation. I snapped back into reality. "TROPHY?!" Someone yelled I looked up and it was oj looking concerned confused and upset all at one time. "Trophy? You're okay." He said pulling me in for a hug.
[its not a ship yall though that's actually kinda cute]
I just froze for a second. I looked around to see paintbrush, lightbulb, cheesy, pickle, and paper looking at me as if they just saw a ghost kill a child. "T-Trophy?" Lightbulb stuttered. I didn't say anything I just looked straight ahead at a knife laying on the dresser in my room. Oj, still hugging me patted me on the back, as he tried to let go I griped the hug tighter and just sobbed. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I'm sorry.." I just keep mumbling 'I'm sorry' and oj is just patting my back trying to stop me from crying so much.
I pulled myself away and wiped my face shaking as if I was being electrocuted. "S-sorry" I said looking at Oj. "Don't apologize, it's not your fault." He said. He sounded so serious concerned and upset. Poor Oj, he has to deal with all this sh!t now. "I'm sorry." I hear lightbulb cry. "I didn't mean to- it was an accident!" She whined. "It's fine." I said. "C-can you guys leave? I wanna be alone for a little while." I said. I stared at the knife as they walked out hoping nobody would notice it was there. When the door shut, the memories of what I did flowed into my head like a waterfall. I couldn't stop crying nothing helped I was so upset and angry at the fact I did something like that.

the knife. Maybe if I..?

I stood up, blankly walking to pick up the knife. There were no emotions inside me, the only thing I felt was guilt.
I sat back down on my bed slowly and then...
lucky number 9.
I snapped back into reality. "Oh my god." I said looking at my arm. I ran into the bathroom hoping to find bandages or something to help. I left the bloody knife on the bed. I found bandages and put them on my arm and just threw the knife back onto the dresser. "Why did I do that?" I thought to myself out loud.
why did I even do that? I have to tell someone right? No I'm keeping this to myself. Nobody can know.


Cheesy walked back in.

(815 words!!)
Yes this sucked I know- but yeah!1!1!!2!2!2! New chapter! I think I'm getting better at this ngl- anyways I hope you liked this chapter bye bye! Hehe toodles

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