blurry vision

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Trophy's p.o.v

I was sleeping with Cheesy and obviously I woke up. So I carefully got out of bed so I wouldn't wake him up. "My hands are so numb." I walk to the bathroom.


I locked the door.
I shuffled through the drawers and ripped open the cabinets trying to find the sleeping pills.
there they are.

I popped open the bottle as fast as I could and my hands were shaking. I poured some on my hands and popped them in my mouth.
now 2
I took 12.
[he forgot to clean up the pills >:}]
I went back into the room and crept out the door. It's 12:23AM Tuesday October 4th. "Dang, everyone is most likely up now." I walked downstairs tripping with every step not realizing oj was behind me grabbing my shoulders to help me walk. "Oj I'm fine, I got it." "I'm still helping you anyways." We walked down the stairs then he ran over to the left where paper was and I walked over to the left. I sat on the couch. All the way to the edge and curled up in a ball. I just sat there watching knife and pickle play their little game.

It's been about 40 minutes and I feel different. I decided to close my eyes. I heard someone running down the stairs which startled me. I popped open my eyes when someone tapped me, I looked up and it was Cheesy. He grabbed my arm and basically ripped me off the couch and dragged me upstairs.

We got to our room and he told me to sit on the bed. He walked in the bathroom and grabbed the empty pill bottle, well not empty, had about 4 pills left. "Trophy. What's the fvck is this?" My heart pounded. "I don't know? There were only 6 left when I woke up so I took 2." "Why did you need to take sleeping pills at 12:00 in the morning?" "I wanted to sleep in but my body wouldn't let me, so I took 2 of those." He looked at me for a second looking like he was thinking about something. Soap walked in the room because she usually likes to 'clean' it. Spoiler alert, it's already spotless. "Okay, fine I believe you." Cheesy said and he put the pills back in the bathroom.

I got up. My vision is so blurry and I don't know what's going on. My body it feels so empty and my legs feel like noodles. It's 2:30PM now, those pills had to have kicked in by now right? I just felt so.. so..???

I was cut off of my thoughts with a hand on my shoulder as I walked in the hallway. "Trophy?"

I fell to the floor.

(474 words)

I was planning on making a longer chapter but I wanted to be a jerk and leave it on a cliffhanger >:] MWEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHE

Hope you liked this chapter darlings, bye bye now, <3!

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