Dear (Your/Name)...

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The sun shone through the scratched and torn curtains of a small and rundown home, not really a surprise since it was in Rogueport. A town famous for being filled with runaways and all kinds of crooks. You lay on your slightly matted mattress as you tried to avoid the sunlight peaking through the window, just hoping for a little more sleep. Eventually there was a knock at the door and a few envelopes slid through your mail slot as someone shouted from the other side, "Mail Call!" Flapping wings could be heard as you groaned and slowly got up and walked over to the envelopes on the floor. You sat down at your old table as you slid through the few letters you'd gotten.

One was a reminder to pay the rent you had on the place, unfortunately as one of the few humans in the world, you couldn't exactly find a good job. You'd been left on the porch of a house when you were a baby, not knowing who dropped you off. You were raised in that small village for several years until someone began spreading rumors about you around, saying you were a chaos magnet being human. Soon enough you were forced to leave your home soon after, and after traveling to hundreds of different villages and towns, you came to Rogueport where you managed to find a place to stay. You'd gotten a job as a sales person that didn't really pay well, but you were able to often just squeak by. You stopped thinking about your Crudy past as you cycled to the next letter.

By some form of bad luck, turns out that the guy who'd hired you had found someone else and replaced you. And told you in a polite, 'It's not you it's the customers.' manor. You angrily slammed your head onto the table as you groaned, you began to think that what that person had said all those years ago was true. But your pessimistic thoughts were inturupted by another knock at the door, you got up and decided to answer it. You were met with a Koopa Paratroopa dressed as a mail man who held a pink toned envelope in his claw saying, "I'm so sorry for bothering you twice today, but I noticed that I'd forgotten to give you this letter earlier. Have a good day (Sir/Miss)."

He flew off as you looked at the letter and walked back inside, you opened it and read it.

You are invited to an Origami festival in fabulous Toad Town!
Date: OO/XX

-Princess Toadstool (Peach)

You blinked a few times and checked the back of the letter, and low and behold, your name was written on the back. You knew well of Princess Peach as well of her heroes Mario and Luigi. A while back You'd considered moving to Toad Town but you never had the opportunity as for you it was too expensive. But hearing that you'd been invited to a festival by the Princess herself was a new one for you, perhaps it was the universe telling you to leave Rogueport and go and talk with your people. You figured it'd be a nice change of scenery so you quickly fixed yourself up and packed up a backpack of clothes that would last you a few days, grabbed the emergency funds you had from under your mattress. You then quickly ran down to the key where there was a boat that you knew was scheduled to leave for the Mushroom Kingdom.

As you were counting up the gold coins knowing the amount to pay for a ticket, a mouse with a bandit mask on came out of nowhere and swiped the coins right from your hand. "Uh- Hey! Give those back!" You shouted as you tried running after the thief but accidentally tripped on a loose stone and faceplanted to the ground. "Wave g'bye to ya coin wanker!" The mouse shouted as he dissapeared into the croud. "Dang it! That was all I had!" You said as you pounded your fist into the ground.

"You okay buddy? You seem angry about something." A young males voice came from behind you as a yellow claw came into your line of sight. You turned to see another Koopa, but this time with a red shell and purple boots offering his hand to you. You took it and slowly stood up growling, "A mouse came and swiped all the money I had which I was going to use to get a ticket for the Mushroom Kingdom to go to Toad Town." The Koopa put his claw to his chin and thought for a moment before he said, "You by any chance wouldn't be headed to the Origami Festival would you?" You nodded and his face quickly lit up, "What a coincidence! I'm headed there too! Why don't you come with? I have enough money for two tickets."

You turned to him as he gestured for you to follow as he began walking back towards the ship. As you quickly caught up with him you said, "You'd really do that? Why?" He laughed and playfully slugged your arm as he replied, "Well I saw someone in need and wanted to help! Isn't that enough reason to take action?" You thought for a moment before the two of you got to a Toad who was a ticket clerk. The Koopa pulled out a bag of coins from a messenger bag he'd been carrying over his shoulder as he cheerfully said, "Two tickets for me and my friend please." The Toad counted the coins in the bag before he set it behind the counter and handed the two of you two tickets as he said, "Enjoy your ride you two. We'll set out in about fifteen minutes and it'll take about a days trip to arrive at Toad Town."

The Koopa thanked the Toad as the two of you climbed onto the ship. The Koopa quickly realized something and turned to you saying, "You know it just hit me... we don't even know each others names yet. I'm Kyle! And you are..." He stuck out his hand as you grabbed it and replied while shaking it, "(Your/Name). It's a pleasure to meet you Kyle."

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