Overlook Tower

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After coming out of the pipe and quickly being tossed out by a couple of the hooded Koopas, you shook off the whole thing as you all quickly headed for Overlook mountian. Although the travel was filled with banter from the others, you didn't really listen as you all began the climb back up, soon making it back to the top of the mountian. When Mario stood on the Magic Circle, Olivia came out and was once again able to fold herself into the Earth Vellumental. She stood right next to the cliff as she shouted, "All right! Shake it like a piece of outdated photographic paper!"

She pulled out the pompoms once more as the music appeared again, and she got to work. With her cheering, the cliff was slowly sinking back into the earth as the tower lowered before it softly touched the ground. Olivia refolded into herself as she said, "Well! Not bad, if I say so myself!"Yeah, nice work, Olivia." You said as you gave her a thumbs up. She appreciated it as the four of you entered the tower.

Walking in, you were met with an area resembling a gift shop, but there were mushrooms and a banana on the walls, and a giant hole in the middle blocked you from any other part of the place. "Woah, look at the size of those mushrooms! And that bannana! That could feed an army!" Olivia said as she soon realized something, "Wait...there's something off about them isn't there? Oh, they're just drawings. Flat as paper! Sorry if I got your mouths watering, guys." She then looked to the hole as she said, "Yikes! That's one of the biggest holes we've seen, isn't it?"

"Yep. I'd hate to fall down that. We might even need the entire bag of confetti to fix this." You said as you briefly looked down before moving back. Mario took the lead as he pulled out the bag and spread confetti like there was no tomorrow. As he finally emptied the bag, the floor was able to mend itself, with a third drawing being made clear. "Good job, Mario!" Kyle said as Olivia then spoke up, observing the drawing, "Oh my gosh. It's my brother's face! This one I could tell was a drawing right away. It is really well-done, though."

"I'm guessing the person who made this was the same who made those food items on the walls." Kyle said as he began to look around. "Wait. That means... Whoever drew this knows my brother. I don't know how, but there's no other explanation." Olivia said as the group began looking about, quickly finding various toads around the first floor before you all came to the elevator. Opening the door, you were met with a member of the staff, whom all wore blue uniforms. The one who'd been jammed into the elevator door said, Ahh, that's better. Welcome to Overlook Tower, Mario. "The tower with a gift shop." We're still working on that slogan. Annnd it looks like we've got some major cleaning up to do as well. This artwork isn't bad, mind you, but every time I see it I'll think of that...monster...that attacked us."

"Can you describe it?" Kyle politely asked as he pulled out a small notebook. "It was horrible. A thin, rattling body with a huge mouth filled with all manner of fangs..." The Toad described as he shuddered. "You think a monster did this?" Olivia asked the toad, "I didn't know my brother was friends with monsters! Because it has to be someone who knows his face. Well, I know you're scared, but we're here now! That means there's nothing to fear. Right, guys?" Olivia turned to the three of you as Mario shook his head, You shrugged, and Kyle said, "If my drawing is anything to go by, I have my doubts."

You caught a brief glimpse of it before you all got into the elevator to head up to the top floor. As the three of you got comfortable, Olivia quickly asked, "Heyyy...could you humor me for just a second?" You all agreed as she floated up next to the buttons, and just as you thought she was about to press all of them, she pressed the fourth floor and cleared her throat, "Ahem. Now passing the third floor! Cosmetics, handbags, men's slacks, oranges, perfume, and camping gear." You sighed as you felt the elevator go up, still listening to Olivia, and lightly enjoying her act as you went.

"Next stop--fourth floor! Bicycles, mattresses, formal wear, blenders, and comic books. How'd I do?" She asked as Kyle said, "Pretty accurate, I like it!" Olivia lightly blushed at the compliment as she said, "Thanks. I've always wanted to be an elevator operator in one of those fancy department stores... I'm actually not too clear about what a fancy department store is, but it sounds fun, right?" You leaned up against the side of the elevator as you crossed your arms and said, "Yeah. I can see you doing that. A nice friendly girl, able to float above people if the elevator is crowded."

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