The Temple of the Turtle

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The four of you walked into the cave system that was lit up with overhead lights and adorned with both fencing and money boxes. Looking around, you noticed Kyle curiously pull out a coin as he placed it into the box labeled, "Earth Vellumental Temple Path 1: Temple Origins." The four of you then listened as the speaker began to play with mystical music playing in the background, with colored lights shining on various rocks.

"Legend says the spirit of the dirt, known as the Earth Vellumental, lives in this various cave. It is a mighty spirit, imbued with the power to lift the very ground! It is no wonder that the meek and modest Koopa Troopa venerate it so, via pilgrimage and gifts."

The music then abruptly stopped as the lights returned to normal. "Well, at least now we know what's up with those weird Koopas out front." You said as the group continued into the cave. Coming across another box, this time Mario curiously placed a coin into the box labeled, "Shellvation Is Near." The music then began to play once again as the voice spoke,

"To one with a creative mind, these fortuitously formed formations may resemble the Earth Vellumental. Indeed, one may pay respects to its hallowed shell in this very spot, as many Koopa Troopas do. Notably, the Earth Vellumental's shell is even stouter than this rock, which is itself impervious to damage."

The lights then returned to normal as you continued. "To be honest. This seems more like a cash grab than some sort of spiritual temple." You said as you quickly breezed by the other boxes and soon came to the end of the path. As Kyle put another coin into the box, a light appeared on a painting vaguely resembling a turtle as the voice continued.

"You are looking at a holy image representing the full, glorious form of the Earth Vellumental itself. Although the spirit is fully invincible, kindly direct your attention now to the beasts great tail. In certain...tales, the spirits still-formidable hind portion is described as less than 100 percent invincible. It is the combination of great power and weakness that has endeared the Earth Vellumental to so many! This is the last spot on the temple tour. Consider donating generously and frequently."

A small stream of confetti then came down from the ceiling as Olivia thought out loud, "Huh? Is this the end? It's kind of a letdown, isn't it?" You then crossed your arms as you said, "Well, I'm not really surprised. My gut told me this was just gonna be a cash grab." Olivia looked at the image for a second before she said, "Hmm...this might be a little silly, but maybe it's worth a try..." She then floated up to the image as she started, "Dear Earth Vellumental... If you're there, please find it in your heart to lower the rocky pile keeping us from the streamer. Lastly, thank you for all of your generous gifts and, um...turtley goodness."

You all stood there for a moment before Olivia turned around, red as a tomato, "Well, that did nothing. Now I'm embarrassed for trying! Mario, (Y/n), Kyle, something, please!" You looked to a sign you'd breifly read before and then back to the image. You also took notice of the supports for the wall as an idea formed in your head. You walked up to the wall and tried gently knocking on it. Hearing some reverberations behind it, you then pulled out your hammer as you gave the cave wall a good whack, looking as the wall lightly fell back. "(Y/n)?! What are you doing? If you break something, we might be kicked out!" Kyle said as he looked on in breif horror.

"Relax, I don't think this tour is over yet." You said as you gave the wall another good whack, this time leading to the wall completely falling over and revealing a path further into the temple. "Woah! You knocked the Earth Vellumental completely over!" Olivia said in surprise as a few toads looked on in horror, " you think we'll be cursed now? What's the usual punishment for messing up a divine sight..."

You put the hammer away as you said, "If anything, it would create a double negative for me. But besides the point, I think this journey isn't over yet. Look." The others looked at what appeared to be much older stone carvings with torches somehow still functioning. "Ah! The cave keeps going!" Olivia said as she turned to you, "Sorry I doubted you. But...what was that about a double negative?" You lightly rubbed the back of your head as you said, "Uh, never mind. Let's just keep going."

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