Crumbled Remains

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As the four of you finally entered the Grafitti Underground, Olivia nervously shuddered as she said, "Ack! It's so dark in here... Why does everyone seem to like this place so much?" "Beats me, let's just get some lights on." Kyle said as you walked toward a glowing red button and pressed it, letting a light turn on and illuminating the path forward. As you all passed a bit of graffiti of Mario and Peach together, you walked down a set of stairs and stumbled upon a figure sitting in the corner.

"Look, someone's here!" Olivia said as the figure nervously called out, "Who's there?!" The figure then turned around to reveal that she was a Toad with an oddly designed cap and wearing a pair of glasses. "Yes! I'm saved!" She called out, her cry echoing through the tunnel as she adjusted her classes and realized who she was looking at, "Oh, Mario... I had to run down here and hide from those horrible Folded Soldiers."

She then wiped off her dress as she continued, "Pardon me--I should introduce myself. I'm Madame Shroom. I'm the curator of Musée Champignon in Toad Town. It's a museum with a splendid collection of objects, music, treasures, and other wonderus items. And we even managed to acquire the legendary Super Marino sea vessel, believe it or not." As you and Olivia questioned the significance of some of the words she said, before she left, she finished with, "I do hope you'll come visit soon! We're open... even with all of the origamized crime we've seen of late."

She then quickly made her way up the tunnel as Olivia repeated a couple things, "Musée... Marino... I'm trying to remember those words instead of that Toad's cap." "Well that's besides the point." Kyle said as he looked down the next staircase, "Let's keep going."

After going down another flight of stairs, the four of you were met with another dimly lit hallway. As Mario, this time, went into the darkness to activate the lights, he was suddenly swarmed by a bunch of Folded Soldiers looking like Swoops, bat like creatures. But with your help, he was quickly able to dispatch them. As he was going around, picking up the Confetti, you noticed Kyle meekly walking up towards you and Mario. "You alright?" You asked as he scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, yeah. Tip top." Kyle said as he quickly walked by to follow Mario.

Heading down another level and having to deal with a horde of Origami Scaredy Rats along with a brief ambush of Swoops, you continued to head down and coming next to a stream of water before entering a much larger room. Turning on the light revealed a pipe that had an image of the crown above it. "I bet that's how we can get to the castle!" You called out as Olivia looked down at the water below. "Oh no! It's all flooded. We can't get across with water that deep there. We'd get soggy!"

"There's probably a main override valve down here somewhere." Kyle said as he looked around, "Find it, and I bet we can drain the water to get across." Breifly heading down a ladder and dealing with some Folded Soldiers holding a Magic Circle, it was Mario's turn to activate it and use what Olivia called the '1,000-Fold Arms Technique' to open the valve and release the water. Finally being able to get across the water, you all entered the pipe, and could feel as you were sucked upwards.

As you got out, the four of you finally found yourselves on the other side of the broken remains of the draw bridge. "Hey, we made it to the entrance of Peach's Castle! That sewer really is pretty neat!" She then stopped and calmed down as she said, "I mean...I suppose we shouldn't celebrate just yet. We need to see if your poor brother's green hat is OK. And your brother too!" You took note of it as you walked under the gate once more.

Walking towards the massive crater where Peach's Castle was, Olivia breifly took note of Luigi's cart being flipped over in front of a gate, mistaking it for a pile of junk. You took little note of this, however, since you finally got to see what was left of the castle. Walking through the remnants of the castle, you finally came up to a green cap with the letter L on it. "There's your brothers hat, Mario." Kyle said as Olivia picked it up. She then flipped it over and said, "Hmm, someone wrote "Luigi" on the inside in very small letters... Is that something Luigi would do?"

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