The Ruins

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You sat in darkness, the recent events still fresh in your mind, you were extremely confused, until you heard someone yelling in the distance, "(Y/n)! (Y/n) Where are you?" You recognized the voice as belonging to Kyle, and you tried to scream out to him, but you couldn't really talk in your current form. However, you soon heard Kyle much closer to you, "Oh my God! (Y/n)!" You then felt like you were lifted up before something pulled at your hair. "Owowowow Ow!" You cried out as you could somewhat see the blue sky once again, as well as part of Kyle himself. "Oh! Sorry, hold on, I'll get you out of there (Y/n)!" Kyle said as he gently set you down on the ground, and you heard him walk away before you were hit with a tremendous force, and your body came springing back out.

You lightly shook a bit of dizziness from you as you spotted Kyle holding the hammer you had used before, along with Mario, who was pulling out some leaves from his hat. "Oh... thanks for that, Kyle." You said as you straightened your clothes and stood up. As Kyle handed you the hammer, he said, "I'm just glad we found you after that whole fiasco." "What even happened? All I remember is a whole lot of pain and then wind rushing by me in a pitch black void." You said as you looked over your body, not seeing anything damaged to an unrepairable state, you were just a little dirty.

"Well my brother, Olly took you after you tried to attack him, and crumpled you up before tossing you away." The floating creature named Olivia said as she popped out of Mario's pocket and continued to your confusion, "Then he lifted up the entire castle and moved it to a far away mountain. We managed to escape but were flown off into this forest where we couldn't leave because people apparently cut down this massive tree named Great Grandsappy and-"

"HOLD IT!" You suddenly shouted, halting her ramble, "You lost me at that paper being picking up a WHOLE DANG CASTLE and moving it like it were a feather! Also, I just came here for some festival because I was invited, not all of this! Once we get back to Toad Town, I'm getting on the first ship back to Rogueport." You then grabbed the hammer Kyle was still holding and walked away, rubbing your head why'll trying to process everything that you were just told. Kyle looked at you as you walked off before turning to Olivia, who looked down in shame. "Don't worry about them. They've had a stressful past few days. Let's just get back to Toad Town to see if we can see what's going on." Kyle said as the group began to make their way back, with you taking the back seat rather quickly.

As the group was walking, they soon came across some sort of Toad Picnic site, after recuing a rather shrewd Toad from a pile of leaves. Walking about, the area was covered in folded soldiers, which the group managed to fend them all off, Mario stomped on a few, you hit another group with the hammer, and Kyle plowed through the rest using his shell.

Continuing on in silence, you crossed your arms as you watched Mario lead from the front. Kyle then walked next to you and spoke up, "I have a feeling I know what your thinking." You turned to him and motioned for him to continue, "You overreacted and now don't know how to apologize to Olivia."

You began to think on the subject as Kyle said, "All you gotta do is say sorry when you're ready." But your conversation was halted by the group finally arriving at the gates to Toad Town.

Olivia floated ahead as she muttered, "Hrm? It doesn't look like there's anyone here." "It was pretty much like this when we first arrived." Kyle said as the quartet of you looked about. Olivia then pointed over to an area where you distinctly remembered a bench used to be. "Oh, look at that big hollow spot over there! That means my brother might have been here already...and I'm sure he was up to no good." Olivia said as the four of you were then distracted by the sound of rustling paper.

You all looked over to see a massive Goomba seemingly hitting the nearby house. "Hold on... There IS someone here! Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is that creature way, WAY too big to be real? It's not like any origami I've ever seen before..." Olivia said. "Looks more like paper mache to me." Kyle said as he then asked, "What is it doing to that house, though?"

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