A Ghost Town...

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As the Toad had said, it had been about a day since you left the run down seaside town of Rogueport with your new friend Kyle, he explained on the ride over that he preferred living the nomadic lifestyle, and skipping from town to town was his thing. As the two of you thanked the Toad and got off the boat, you noticed something. "Huh... you'd think a town named Toad Town would have more... Toads, but I don't see a single one." You said as Kyle looked around. There wasn't a single Toad in sight, but the decorations for the Origami Festival were hung up and all over town. You and Kyle slowly walked into town looking for any signs of life, it was all quiet. A shiver ran up your spine when you heard something in the distance, a quiet growl. You started to run off when Kyle stopped you, "Wait! I know that sound, it's the sound of a go-kart engine."

Almost as he mentioned it, a green go-kart with two people on it rounded a bend and entered into the plaza, the two passengers instantly recognizable from their red and green color schemes. "Hello there!" The Man in green said as he pulled up along the side of you and Kyle, "Are you two-a here for the Origami Festival?" "Yeah, I got a letter from Princess Peach herself. But I honestly expected Toad Town to be a bit more... Toad-filled." You said as the quartet of you, Kyle, Luigi, and Mario looked around.

"It's certainly strange. Maybe they're all at the castle? I know there's one here." Kyle said as he pointed to the bright castle that could be seen over the castle wall. Mario nodded as Luigi replied, "Well, let's-a go. I won't drive so fast I'll lose-a you two." The four of you soon headed down the path as the wind snaked through the town. Eventually, you reached the castle, and it was also just as barren as the rest of the town. "Here we are. Peach's Castle!" Luigi said, "I'm gonna park the kart, OK? I don't wanna tip the valet." Mario hopped off of the kart as Luigi left. Mario looked up to the castle in wonder before Luigi quickly joined back up with the group and spoke up, "Sorry for the wait, everyone. Let's-a go see the princess!"

As the four of you walked to the castle, you were personally fairly excited to meet the princess, one of very few humans you knew of. As the massive doors creeked open, Luigi suddenly spoke up again, "Wait! Mamma mia! I forgot to ask your two's-a names." Kyle chuckled as he introduced the two of you, and you gave a shy wave to the two plumber heroes before you stepped through the threshold and into the castle.

With the windows and candles through the hall providing a small amount of light, Luigi shivered as he said, "It's kinda spooky in here, isn't it? And where is everybody? I'd expect to see at least one Toad by now, or literally anyone else... No Toads, no Koopas, not even a single Goomba." He then jumped up in surprise and exclaimed, "Mamma mia! I forgot our gift in the kart! I'll just dash over and get it." But before he could make it out the door, they closed on themselves! You ran over to help Luigi open it, but it was locked tight. "OK, I don't like this." You said as you let go of the door, and Luigi began scratching his head.

"How are we gonna get outside when the door is locked!?" Exclaimed Kyle before he was briefly calmed down by Mario. "Don't worry, Kyle! I know just what to do in situations like this." Luigi said as he pumped out his chest, "You just gotta find Mario!" The entire group looked at Luigi in silence before you finally broke it, "Do you have a screw loose in that cap of yours, Luigi? Mario's right here."

"...oh." Luigi said before running ahead of the group and saying, "OK... I'm just gonna take a deep breath and go find the key to this door. That's what you'd do, right? Tell Princess Peach I'll be right there if you see her first, OK? Bye-bye!" He then ran down the hall before you could even try to stop him. "Aaaand he's gone... guess it's just the three of us now. Let's see if we can find another way out." Kyle said as you and Mario agreed, before the three of you went down the halls of the castle.

As the three of you walked down the halls, with Mario leading the charge, you soon made it into the main foyer, with candles lining three stairwells and elegant red carpet running up all of them, with a sun pattern on the bottom of the checkered floor. As you were admiring the decorations of the place, a voice broke the eerie silence, "Mario... Is that you..." The three of you looked around before the doors at the top of the central stairway opened, and Princess Peach herself slowly walked out. But something wasn't right.

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