New Friends and New Locales

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As you all made your way from Overlook Tower to the tram to Autumn Mountian, you noticed that the Bonneter was now free and looking much happier. "You guys did it! I'm free!" He happily said, "You wanna go to Autumn Mountian now? I know it hasn't been that long, but I can't wait to operate the tram again. It's tramtastic!" "Uh, yeah. We'd like four tickets to Autumn Mountian, please." Kyle said as he prepared to get money out of his bag. "Oh, don't worry about it! You guys saved me, so I can make an exception for you." The Bonneter said, "I've already got one passenger waiting, so just let me know one way or the other. Are you catching this ride?"

"Yeah, we will be. We have to go to Autumn Mountian anyway to follow that Blue Streamer." Olivia said as the four of you prepared to get on. "Hey, what's the hold up? Everything OK out there?" Came a calm and deep voice from the tram. "Everything's fine, sir. Just getting these final passengers ready. Off you go to Autumn Mountian! Enjoy!" The Bonneter said as the doors opened, and the four of you hopped inside. As the tram quickly started and began to make its way down the line, Olivia took the time to gaze at the passing by mountians.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Olivia said as she floated about excitedly, "We're up so high! The view is so vast! These mountians are so huge! Are you SEEING this, guys? Mountians here, mountians there... It's m9untians all the way up!" You also were a little enamored as you also looked at some of the mountians that easily pierced the cloudline. "Despite how far I've traveled, I have to say, this is one killer view." Kyle said as he looked down at some of the valleys in between mountians. "Why didn't anyone tell me that the world could be so wonderful?!" Olivia asked as she looked at the three of you.

As you were about to say something in response, the Bob-omb who was sitting on the other side of the tram asked, "This your first time out of the house or somethin'?" "Oh! Were you asleep?" Olivia asked as she turned to the Bob-omb, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I'm just very excited! My friends Mario, Kyle, (Y/n) and I are on a quest to follow a big, blue streamer!" She sat down next to you as she then asked, "What's your story? What brings you aboard this tram today?"

The Bob-omb crossed one leg over the other as he shook his head to reajust the bandana he was wearing as he responded, "Me? Well...I'm Bombert. Aaand...that's about all I remember. You know that memory loss thing? What's it called... Ambrosia? Amnesty? Thinky Thinky Panic? Well, whatever you call it, I've got it--big time. So I'm on a solo journey to try and remember...well, anything! My home, my purpose... All that." You then chimed in, "You mean Amnesia? That's rough, man. I don't know what I'd do if I forgot who I was..." Olivia then jumped up from the seat as she said, "Oh! I have a GREAT idea! You should join us on our quest! We can help you recover your lost memories...and make a ton of new ones along the way! What do you guys say? Wouldn't it be great if he joined us?"

"Seems like a reasonable idea. What do you think?" Kyle asked as he gestured to Bombert. "Wow. Really?" Bombert asked in confusion before he thought for a moment, "Gee, I couldn't put you out like that. I mean, it's a kind offer, but... I don't even have any unique moves. I'd just be in the way. I mean, I could probably be talked into it, if you really wanted, but-" As he was about to finish, Olivia then uncharacteristically returned to normal as she said, "OK! Never mind. You raised some great points. It's probably better for you to travel alone. Sorry to bother you. Have a good journey!"

She then turned to the three of you and winked before returning to her spot by the window, admiring the scenery. You quickly caught onto what she was doing as you did the same. She began to comment on the scenery as you noticed Bombert scooting across the seat closer to her. Soon, he awkwardly responded, "H-hey. that offer still on the table? Y'know, to, join you four? Because I considering it. Joining you, that is. On your quest. You, with the cool 'stache and the big M... Your name was Mario, right? That sounds so familiar. I feel like you're some kind of pro at this adventure stuff." Mario nodded as he continued, "You in the hoodie, you're (Y/n)?"

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