Overlook Mountian Perils

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After a short walk and unfolding a Broodle who ran the Battle Lab in Toad Town, the four of you now walked through a small valley and came to a large mountian with a tower up at the top. "This is Overlook Mountian." Kyle said as he looked at his map, "A place famous for the amazing view and tram connection to Autumn Mountian." "It looks amazing!" Olivia said as she had take her gaze away from the scenery, "Well, it looks like the Red Streamer goes all the way up to that tower, but we should also keep an eye out for those Shell Stones those Koopas were worried about." The rest of you agreed as you began the trek up the mountian.

Shortly after finding a pair of Iron Boots in a box for Mario, the four of you were attacked by another wave of Folded Soldiers, this time resembling Spinies. Mario was careful enough to stomp on them with his new boots as you hit some with your hammer. After dealing with them, and traveling a little further up, you then spotted three more Koopas standing in front of a stand that had been set up by a very shady looking Monty Mole. "Step right up! Calling all savings seekers, coupon clippers, and thrifty types alike!" He said as you walked up to get a closer look, with Mario and Kyle right behind you.

"You! The one in the hoodie! Fancy a fair deal?" The Mole said as he pointed to you. You suspiciously looked him up and down before you said, "Nothing about you says fair, so what are you offering? Then Ill decide if I want to bite, alright?" The Mole appeared slightly annoyed as he said, "I'll get right down to it then. What I'm offering today is a once-in-a-lifetime deal. A real bargain in the rough." He then opened his trench coat to reveal a green orb that sent the other Koopas into shock. "Feast your greedy eyes on the Miracle Orb. It dices, it slices, it purees...and it's one of a kind."

Olivia then came out of Mario's pocket as one of the other Koopas shouted, "That's a Shell Stone! I NEED IT!" "Now just calm down, folks..." The Mole said as he continued, "And then get excited all over again! Because if you don't buy it now, you'll never get another chance." He then slapped a roled up paper onto the table as he said, "Let's start the bidding at 10,000 coins. Just 10,000 coins for this unique, absolutely necessary item!" Kyle was in shock at the price along with the other Koopas as he said, "10,000 coins?! That's outrageous!"

He then turned to you... only to see you were already walking away. "(Y-Y/n)! Where ya going?" He said as he quickly left to catch up to you. "I figured it was gonna be a scam from the start." You said as you placed your hands into your hoodie, "Living in Rougeport, you get all kinds of Conartists and swindlers alike. The only people I know of with that type of money are rich nobles who'd probably use the thing as a paperweight or something." The two of you then turned back to the table to hear the Mole say, "Well, it's my--er, YOUR lucky day! SOLD, for 10,000 shiny gold coins to the man with the mustache!"

As Mario walked away with the stone in hand, you and Kyle stood agape at the heroic plumber as Olivia said, "Mario, you just got the first of the Earth Vellumental's Shell Stones!" You and Kyle were practically left speechless as the four of you continued up the mountian. After fighting a Folded Soldier and opening up a part of the mountian wall containing a Dry Bones holding the yellow Shell Stone, you came to a small area with logs acting as a maze-like structure. Mario began the trek up with you and Kyle close behind, but you didn't get far before the path was blocked by a massive origami thwomp. "RUN!" Kyle said as the three of you quickly ran out of the path of the thwomps, which were now blocking the path.

"Great. Just fantastic." You said as you got up and dusted yourself off, "Now how are we gonna continue?" Kyle looked down another nearby path as he said, "Maybe there's another way up from down this path. I'll go have a look, wait here." As you and Mario waited for him, you began to think about ways to apologize to Olivia, who still looked a little saddened. You then felt a tap on your shoulder as you turned to see Mario, who quickly pointed up to the top of a nearby tree, where you could spot a Super Star. "Hey, maybe we can use that to get past these thwomps!" You said as you pulled out your hammer and whacked the side of the tree, knocking the star down and right into Mario's hands, who then was able to smash the thwomps to pieces.

As the three of you began to celebrate, Kyle walked back up, surprisingly with the blue Shell Stone in hand. Before you continued, he quickly explained how he'd fished it up from the throat of a Folded Cheep-Cheep. You tried not to think about the details as you continued, soon coming across the tram station, wrapped in the red streamer. "Hey, there's a hat playing around with that red streamer up by that tram!" Olivia said as Kyle replied, "That's actually a Bonneter, but continue."

"Hey, uh...Bon-et-or? Can you stop playing with the streamer now? It's dangerous! Just pop on out, ok?" Olivia called to the Bonneter, who seemed rather offended. "Pop out. Just pop out, Ingo. OH, SURE! DON'T MIND IF I DO! I'm trapped in this thing, lady! You think I want to be gumming up the works like this? No one can get to Autumn Mountian because of me. And boy, do they enjoy reminding me of that!" He rambled as he visibly grew frustrated. "So we'd be able to get to Autumn Mountian if you weren't all tangled up in the tram?" You asked as the four of you looked and spotted a red mountian in the distance.

"Ahh, the blue streamer fluttering with that red mountian in the background is so cool looking..." Olivia said as it suddenly hit her, "Huh?! There's the blue streamer! It was so pretty I almost didn't recognize it for what it was. After we take care of the red streamer, maybe we should come back here and follow the blue one." "That's a good idea, Olivia." You said as you gave her a thumbs up. She appeared to appreciate it as she turned back to the Bonneter, "Just hang tight! Uhhh...you know what I mean. Stay loose? Ooh, that's probably worse... We'll be back! Probably!" You bit your tounge to prevent a snarky response as the four of you now found yourself at the top of the mountian.

"Finally, the peak!" You said as you prepared to sit down and rest your sore feet. Olivia then came of Mario's pocket and said, "All riiight! Now we can just head inside, find the streamer, and..." She was lightly put off as all of you realized that the tower itself was actually on a much steeper, unclimbable cliff. "Uhhh... Tell me, guys. Is this what doors normally look like? It isn't, right? How do we get in?!" She said as she faced the wall. Kyle looked up and said, "I'd say that's the door up there..." Olivia followed Kyle's gaze as she said in shock, "Who on earth put the door up that high? I can't even float up there--how are YOU guys going to get in? Wait...earth! That's it!"

"Yeah, I'd say something happened to the ground to make it like this. I don't think it's supposed to be that high up." You said as you got back on your feet. Olivia then turned around and noticed something, saying, "Oh! It's a Magic Circle! But it's...different somehow. Maybe it has to do with the Earth Vellumental... But would the Earth Vellumental really do a mean thing like this?" "I mean, we don't really know. But maybe your brother used the Circle to summon it here and make it do this." You said as you inspected the circle before looking back to the tower.

"Maybe we can track it down and see if it can help us." Kyle said as he crossed his arms, "But for that. We'd probably need to find the last Shell Stone to get into the temple near Picnic Road, so we might as well keep looking." You all agreed as you continued down the path, soon coming across three Paper Macho Soldiers as Olivia called them playing soccer with the red Shell Stone. This time, it was your turn to work on getting the Stone, knocking over the Macho Soldiers and taking the Shell Stone from them before you had to deal with them attacking you. After you'd managed to take them out, all of you took the Pipe nearby to quickly get back to the Earth Vellumental Temple to put the stones back in their place.

As Mario put the final Shell Stone into place, the ground began to rumble as the old stone sculpture of the Earth Vellumental parted and revealed a passageway into the temple. The two hooded Koopa from before ran up and began to worship the Shell Stones as Olivia said, "How cool! Those Shell Stones did the trick. Should we go meet this Vellumental? I'm so excited--I've never met one before!" The four of you then slowly made your way into the temple, wary of the path ahead.

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