Tumbles and Temples

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After dealing with a few more Folded Soldiers, the five approached a glowing blue symbol on the ground, much like the one at Overlook Tower. "Look at this Magic Circle! It's got a real "Water Vellumental" look to it, don't you think?" Olivia pointed out as you investigated it closer. "Makes sense, but why is this Circle next to the lake? Does it have to be constantly refilled?" Bobby asked. You then replied to the Bob-omb's query, "My guess is that that punk Olly forced the Water Vellumental to drain the lake."

"Well, let's get going to the shrine so we can sort this situation out." Kyle said as he turned and began heading down the available path. The four of you followed and were soon met with a situation. Ahead was a large field of grass that was so tall, you'd be the only one who could clearly see above it as the tallest in the group. "Woooow! So much tall grass... How pretty!" Olivia said gleefully. "This could be a bit of trouble." You said as you looked around the area, "Let's try to stay close together so we don't get lost."

The four others agreed as you all began brushing through the tall grass in order to reach the other side, with you leading to see the way forward. You could also spot other bits of grass being pushed aside, choosing to avoid them in case they were Folded Soldiers. After a few minutes of weaving through the grass, you finally managed to exit next to a bridge to the shrine. "Phew. That took longer than anticipated. Everyone alright?" You asked as you turned, only to see Mario behind you. Olivia then popped out of Mario's pocket and said, "Ahh. We made it through the tall grass. It kept brushing against the outside of your pocket... So tickly! It was hard not to laugh."

You sighed as you said while pointing behind the two, "Well, I wouldn't consider two missing team members to be a laughing matter." Olivia then looked behind to the grass, only floating there for a minute and saying, "Aaaaaaand Bobby's gone. Kyle too. They, uh... they probably got excited and ran ahead of us again. Heh." Before you could say anything in response, the sound of something impacting something else could be heard as the three of you watched a Folded Soldier comedically fly into the air and explode like a firework.

The three of you looked at each other before you quickly ran back into the grass to the source of the flying Folded Soldier. Soon reaching a patch of dirt that had no grass around, you found Kyle, flailing as he'd been knocked on his back. The moment he saw you, he stopped for a moment and said, "(Y/n)... hi." You said hello back as Olivia stifled a laugh at the scene. "Oh, come on. I only had to stop because a blade of grass got in my eye and next thing I know, I've been knocked over by a Folded Soldier." Kyle said as he looked away to try and hide his red face. "Don't worry." You said as you walked over and rolled Kyle onto his stomach, allowing him to get up, "But we still need to find Bobby."

The now four of you began looking around, eventually finding an alcove where a Shy Guy wearing a sombrero sat with Bobby. "So you're waiting for your best buds, huh? Same here." Bobby said as he placed one foot over the other while sitting on a tree stump, "Having buddies is pretty cool so far. I'd definitely recommend it." Olivia then floated out of Mario's pocket and up to Bobby, asking, "Bobby? What are you doing?" The Bob-omb jumped out of his seat and onto the stump acting as a table as he yelped.

He then saw the rest of you and said, "Big M! Ma'am! (N/n)! Kyle! I knew you'd find me sooner or later. Reuniting with your buds is pretty cool too. I'd definitely recommend it." The Shy Guy then spoke up, with a bit of a Spanish accent, "Awww! You met up with your amigos! That's the best. Let's have ourselves a super duper canned-food par-tay to celebrate, shy oh my!" Olivia then perked up as she said, "A canned-food... par-tay? That does sound like fun!"

"Guys." You said while sighing, "The Shrine?" Olivia then snapped back to reality as she shook her head and said, "Wait! Right right right! We've got to stay on track. Thanks (Y/n). Come on, Bobby. Say goodbye to your, uh... new friend." "You got it, ma'am. Let's mosey." Bobby replied as he said farewell to the Shy Guy and the five of you once again entered the tall grass, making sure to exit out the other side with everyone this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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