Chapter 3: A New Home

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“If you don’t want to wake her than we can leave her in the van, I don’t give a shit.” I kept my eyes closed as I heard Marcus and Brad grunt their agreement.

“I’m not leaving her in the van you idiots,” Harry’s voice was soft, a husky whisper that was very close to my ear.

“Then wake her up.”

“But she looks so peaceful.” Even though I couldn’t see, I could feel the heat of Harry’s gaze on my face. “I don’t want to disturb her.”

“You staring at her while she’s sleeping isn’t creepy or anything.” Brad was obviously rolling his eyes. “We’ll meet you inside mate.”

“Yeah sure,” Harry’s eyes were still burning a hole into my face when I heard the door to the van shut. I was about to open them when I felt Harry shift. A barely inaudible click went off and Harry shifted again. The next thing I knew I was cradled gently in Harry’s strong arms as he lifted me out of the van. I snuggled up against his chest, hoping he wouldn’t realize I was awake. I could hear the crunch of gravel under his feet as he slowly moved and my curiosity got the best of me.

I opened my eyes slightly, hoping for a glimpse of where Harry was taking me. But all I saw were his gorgeous green eyes, staring softly down at my face.

“You’re awake,” he gave me a breath taking half smile. “Sleep well love?”

“Yes thanks.” I wiggled a little, figuring he would want to put me down now that he knew I was awake but instead he cradled me closer. I slipped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest, marveling in the way his heart beat faster at my touch. “Where are we?”

“The place we are going to be living. It’s Brad’s aunt’s summer home. Ironically she’s away for the summer somewhere else and she said we could stay here. But we’ll be on the road a lot too.” He gave me a cheeky grin. “We are going to be seeing a lot of each other for the next few months.”

Just then we heard yelling and I looked up to see Marcus run out of the small cottage, batting at the flames that licked the hem of his shirt.

Harry sighed, “We’ll be seeing a lot of them too unfortunately.”

I was feeling confident for some odd reason so I decided to be flirty with Harry. “Next summer we should go somewhere, just me and you,” I breathed into the sensitive skin of Harry’s neck. I felt him shuttered at the brief whisper of my lips on his skin and I let a small smile cross my cheeks. Looks like Harry wasn’t immune to my charms after all.

“Yeah, maybe we will.” His breathy voice hinted at me to say more and I was about to when Harry spoke again. “But now I need to go put out the fire consuming Marcus’s shirt, cause I sure as hell know the others won’t.” He dumped me unceremoniously to the ground, not even bothering to make sure I was steady on my feet before taking off.

“Humph,” I straightened my clothes, fixed my hair, and attempted to stop pouting before I followed Harry towards the house. Just when I thought I was getting somewhere. “How rude,” I muttered, silently cursing Marcus’s stupidity and the other boy’s lack of concern for their friend. If Harry had to spend the rest of the summer babysitting them, I would never be able to seduce him.

“Hey Brittany, catch!” I looked up in time to see a can of beer flying at my face and I jumped out of the way, letting it fall at my feet. I bent and picked up the can, which was now dented, then glanced over at Riley. He raised an eyebrow as he nursed his own beer, obviously smirking at my lack of hand eye coordination.

“What’s this for?”

“Umm, to drink.” He looked at me like I was an idiot. “First you pop the tap, then you bring it to your lips and viola.”

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