Chapter 32: A Horror Story

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I ran blindly, not knowing where I was heading and not caring. I need to escape, to leave everyone behind, yet my mind would not shut up.

My feet pounded the pavement, the images of the afternoon’s mess on replay. I didn’t want to see Liam’s tears anymore, I didn’t want to hear the sound of flesh hitting flesh, I didn’t want to know the truth about Riley’s feelings for me.

I wanted to go back to this morning when I was lounging on the grass in Liam’s backyard, blissfully unaware of everything going on around me. Back to before I knew Harry was a cheater, Susan was a heartbreaker, and Riley was in love.

There were signs, the voice in my head whispered over and over. You should have known.

I couldn’t run anymore, so I collapsed on to the grass at the side of the road. If my brain wouldn’t shut up, I was just going to have to deal with it. I guess it was time to think everything over.

Susan was never sick that day you and Liam when shopping, my brain hissed. That was just an excuse so she could be alone with Harry. Riley knew and kept me out of the house so I wouldn’t find out. When we bumped into Susan as we headed back inside, she made up the lie about getting Asprin.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, I scolded myself. Why was I ever so dumb to believe that Harry actually cared for me? I knew him better than anyone, I should have known it would come to something like this.

I wrapped my arms around my knees as I pulled them to my chest. The tears were beginning to fall again. I had no idea what to do. I had broken up with Harry, but I knew that no matter what, I would always love him.

But sometimes, I began to realize, the person you want most in this world is not the one that is best for you. They just hurt you over and over, ripping out your heart and stomping on it. I had been under Harry’s spell for so long that I no longer knew what it was like to not be seeking his attention. I couldn’t go back to him though, at least not yet. He had hurt me too badly for me to forgive him that easily.

What was I going to do with my life now? I had no purpose if I was not vying for Harry’s love. I no longer had a boyfriend or a best friend. I was alone.

I obviously couldn’t stay here with the band. I would have to go back home, where I had absolutely no one. Anyone I could consider a friend was here.

Suddenly my phone rang. I had forgotten it was in the pocket of my hoody. I silenced The Script, knowing it was Liam. I dropped it in the grass next to me and went back to my pity party.

My phone began to sing again and this time I answered. “I don’t feel like talking right now Liam.”

His voice was panicked and I could hear the scream of a siren in the background. “Harry’s hurt! Meet us at the hospital.”

“What?” I jumped to my feet, my heart feeling like it was about to pound out of my chest. I was terrified. “Where’s the hospital?” I shouted into the phone, starting to run back the way I came.

“Call a cab,” Liam’s voice was rent with fear. “I have to go.”

“No wait!” Liam was gone before I could get the words out of my mouth. I fumbled desperately with my phone, searching for the number for the cab company. I was in hysterics when I finally found it and had to repeat my location three times before anyone understood where I was.

As I waited for the car to pick me up I paced back and forth, biting my nails as I tried not to panic. I’m sure everyone was fine.

They just had to be.

The cab finally arrived and I jumped it. The driver must have seen the look in my eyes because as soon as I said I needed to get to the hospital he floored it, roaring down the road as I tried to keep my breakfast in my stomach. If anyone was hurt because of me I would never be able to live with myself.

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