Chapter 35: I Had Made My Final Decision

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*Brittany’s POV*

“Harry’s mum picked him up at the hospital,” Riley stuck his head into the living room. I had been curled up on the couch for the past few hours, alternating between crying over losing Harry and crying over the fact that he still had so much power over me. “They are on their way back here to get Harry’s stuff and then she’s bringing him home. Do you want to go on a walk so you don’t have to see him?”

I shook my head and hugged the couch pillow closer to my chest. It was like a drug addiction. I knew Harry was bad for me but he was still all I thought about and longed for. I needed to see him.

“Brittany,” Riley sat down next to me and took my tear streaked face in his hands. “I know how much he meant to you, but you are going to have to get over him eventually. And when you do, I’ll be here.” He left a gentle kiss on my lips before wiping away my most recent batch of tears. “I won’t hurt you.”

I just nodded. I didn’t trust myself to speak. ‘You’re not Harry!’ my mind screamed at Riley. ‘You will never be like him!’

He kissed me again and I didn’t pull away, but I didn’t respond either. Riley pulled away and sighed, but faked a smile in my direction. “It’ll get easier Brittany.” He stood up and left the room, ruffling his blonde hair as he went.

I dropped my head to my hands. I didn’t know what to do. Riley was sweet and gorgeous and he seemed to really care about me but he wasn’t Harry. And I knew that I would never be able to get past that fact.

I had trust Harry with my heart, but he had thrown it away like nothing. He had stomped all over it and caused me more pain over the years than I ever imagined possible. But he was Harry and I loved him, even if it was wrong to do so. He was the one I had longed for, he was the one I saw in my dreams every night, he was the one I wanted to be kissing. Riley would treat me well, but he would never been any of those things. I somehow had to convince myself that having someone who was good for me would be better than having the only person I had ever wanted.

The front door opened and I looked up into Harry’s green eyes. He looked so vulnerable standing there with all his injuries. His tattered arm was resting in a sling, his nose was puffy and slightly out of place from Liam’s punch, his eyes were black and blue making him look even more tired than he already did. His face was swollen with tears and I could see a new batch threating to spill out of his eyes. I hated seeing Harry cry. It absolutely broke my heart.

I saw his mum walk in behind me and her face broke when she saw me.

“Brittany,” she came over and wrapped me in a big hug. “I am so sorry for what he did to you, honey. You don’t deserve that.”

“It’s not your fault,” I mumbled, my tears choking my voice.

“I thought I raised him better,” Anne held me at arm’s length. “I know he’s my own son, but go find someone better hun. You need someone who will treat you right because you deserve the world.”

“Thank you,” I murmured as she pulled me in for another hug. Over her shoulder I saw Harry standing in the doorway, staring at me. He looked away when he saw me notice him and I watched him wipe his good hand across his eyes before heading out of the room.

Anne went to say hello to the other boys and I was left alone with my thoughts once again. I was trying to get Harry’s sad green eyes out of my head when I heard his timid voice.


I glanced up and saw him standing on the other side of the room with his duffle bag in his hand. He dropped it on the ground and crossed over to me. I kept my eyes downcast as he stopped right in front of me. I was eye level with his waist and I saw his good hand just dangling at his side. I had the sudden urge to grab it and wrap my fingers through it.

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