Chapter 22: Girl Talk

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“Is Amelie here today?” Liam addressed the girl who was about to seat us. “Because if she is, we would like her as our waitress please.”

“Yeah she’s here,” the girl lead us to the back corner of the room and dropped our menus on the table. “She will be right with you.”

“Great,” Liam smiled and picked up a menu, burying his nose in it.

I wrung my hands nervously in my lap. I wasn’t sure if I wanted her to say it was a bad idea or a good one. I honestly didn’t know what I should be thinking.

“Hello my name is Amelie and I will be…” Amelie looked up from her pad and a smile split her face when she recognized me. “Brittany! How are you?”

“I’m all right,” I gave her a forced smile. “I just needed some advice and you said I could talk to you whenever so…”

“Of course!” Amelie exclaimed as she shoved her pad into the pocket of her apron. “Let me just get someone to cover my tables so we can have a proper conversation.”

“Ohhh, I’ll do it!” Liam peeked his wavy haired head over the top of his menu. “I’ve always wanted to be a waitor.”

Amelie laughed, “Thanks love but I’m not sure that’s allowed.”

“Please?” his puppy dog eyes worked their magic and a few seconds later Liam was armed with a pen and paper, Amelie’s apron hanging off his slim hips. He gave me a wave and a wink before sauntering off to do his new job.

“So how have you been? How’s Harry?” Amelie sat down prettily on Liam’s abandoned chair, crossing her legs at the ankle and folding her hands on the table top. I sighed; Harry deserved someone like her, not someone like me. She was so perfect. “Is everything all okay Britt?”

I bit my bottom lip and shook my head.

“What’s wrong?” concern flooded her blue eyes. Then they widened. “Oh my gosh hun, are you pregnant?”

“What? No!” I burst out laughing. “Kind of the total opposite.”

Understanding dawned on her face. She spoke gently, “You want to know if you should go all the way with Harry.”

I nodded as an embarrassed blush crept over my cheeks.

“Well that’s completely up to you Brittany.”

“I don’t know what to do,” I began playing with a sugar packet. “I know he’s getting frustrated but I’m not sure if I’m ready.”

“If you’re not ready then I’m sure he’ll understand. He’s your best friend; he won’t want to hurt you.”

“He’s not my best friend.” I ripped open the pack of sugar and dumped into out onto the table. “Not anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

I shrugged, “I feel like we aren’t close anymore, which I know sounds crazy. But I just don’t feel like I can talk to him anymore or be the way that I used to be. I know I waited so long to make him mine, but now I’m starting to understand why he always said we were just meant to be friends.”

“Do you love him?”

I didn’t hesitate, “More than anything.”

Amelie nodded slowly, taking everything I had said into consideration. “Maybe you should take a break, just to see if you guys can get back on the right path. It’s obvious you both care for each other a lot, but maybe you just need to do your own thing for a few days and see how you feel. I’m sure it will just enforce your feelings for him.”

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