Chapter 17: "You Look Pretty"

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“Are you sure you don’t want to come Britt?” Harry gave me puppy dog eyes as I watched him from the bed.

“Yeah I’m sure.”

“Please come.” He proceeded to pounce on me, pinning my hips down with his body and decorating my face with kiss. “I’ll miss you too much.”

“Absence makes the heart grow stronger,” I gave Harry a playful kiss on the nose before pushing him off me.

“Seriously though Britt,” Harry slide under the covers to join me, taking my hand and weaving his fingers through mine, “I wish you would come.”

“I’m not in the mood Harry.” The band had a gig today in some new club about an hour away. I really didn’t want to go. Harry and the guys would be working all night and I would be left alone. I didn’t want to dance by myself and I didn’t want random guys grinding all over me. It would just be better if I stayed home.

“What are you going to do here by yourself all afternoon and evening?” Harry was staring down at our clasped hands as if he never wanted to let go.

“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “I’ll go see Liam or something.”

Harry’s face hardened and I felt his grip on my hand tighten. “Are you cheating on me?”

Was he actually serious right now? “Harry you freakin’ idiot! I’ve been trying to get with you for years. Now that I finally am I’m not going to go and cheat on you.”

Harry still didn’t look convinced, so I leaned over and planted my lips on his. I poured everything into that kiss and I felt him lean back in surprise before bringing his large hand up to cup my cheek. He kissed me back gently and I knew he understood.

“All right,” he pulled away. “You can stay here tonight.”

“I was going to whether you said I could or not.”

“Wait,” Harry’s eyes sparked with an idea. “Why don’t you bring Liam to the club that way you won’t be alone and I still get to see you.”

I thought it over. Liam could protect me from scary drunk guys and then I would get to see Hazza and the boys do their set. “Sure that’s fine by me. I’ll ask Liam.”

I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the night stand. Harry slipped out of the bed, “I’m going to get a shower.”

“All right,” I scrolled through my contacts, searching for Liam’s name.

“Want to join me?” Harry winked.

I didn’t look up, “No I’m good.”

Harry didn’t respond, choosing instead to slam the bathroom door as his answer. I rolled my eyes as I dialed Liam.

“Hey Britt.”

“Hi Liam. Are you busy tonight?”

“No. Why?”

“Wanna come to the club?”

“We aren’t old enough.”

Liam, unlike Harry, was very responsible and actually thought things through before doing them.

“Harry’s band is playing, so we can get in with them.”

“Why are you inviting me?”

I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion. What kind of question was that? “Because you’re my friend.”

“Oh,” Liam sounded pleasantly surprised. “It’s just that since you started going out with Harry you haven’t talked to me once.”

I felt a slight pang of regret in my stomach. Liam was right; I hadn’t so much as texted him in two weeks. No wonder my calling him was such a shock. “I’m sorry Liam.”

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