Chapter 13: Protection

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“Harry can you get that?” I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup when the knock came at the front door. “I’m kinda busy.”

“Fine,” I heard Harry stomp out of the kitchen and pull open the door.

“Hi, you must be Harry.” I heard Jon’s voice and I quickly spread the last of the blush across my cheeks. My makeup looked pretty natural, and due to the fact that I never wore any, I thought I did a pretty dang good job.

“Hello,” Harry’s stiff reply finally came. “I’ll go get Britt for you.”

The door slammed and I rolled my eyes as Harry entered the bedroom. “Gosh Harry you could have let him in,” I turned around and stopped talking when I saw the look on Harry’s face.

“What is it Hazza?”

He stalked over to me and grabbed my shoulders, studying my face. “What the hell is on your face Britt?”

“Makeup Harry, don’t be stupid.” I pulled away and grabbed my bag off the bed. “Now please let me leave.”

Harry had shut the door and was standing in front of the door, pain and anger dancing across his face. “Take it off Brittany.”

“No Harry,” I shoved him out of the way and went to grab the doorknob. Harry griped my wrist before I could turn it. This was starting to get annoying. “Let me go.”

Harry didn’t let me go, but he loosened his grip and used his other hand to gently brush a stray strand of hair from my eyes. His hand dipped down and swiped across my cheek, smudging the blush I had so carefully applied. “You don’t need makeup Brittany. You look perfect without it.”

I sighed and grabbed a tissue from the dresser. I wiped off the rest of the makeup. “Better?”

Harry nodded and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. “Have fun Britt. If he’s a jerk let me know so I can beat him up.”

“Uh ha,” I slipped passed Harry and went out into the hall. I could see Jon standing a on the doorstep, looking adorable in chinos, a white tee-shirt, and a cute blue hoody. He smiled when he saw me coming.

I opened the door and went outside, not bothering to say goodbye to Harry or the other boys.

“You look pretty,” Jon held out a hand for me. I took it as I thanked him. As we walked towards Liam’s house I glanced behind me, noticing Harry watching us from the window. As soon as he saw me looking he ducked, letting the curtain swing back to cover any evidence that he had ever been there. I rolled my eyes and told myself that the rest of the night would be Harry free. I was going to enjoy myself with Jon and my friends and I wasn’t going to let Harry’s sad green eyes ruin my night. If he decided to finally be in love with me, then he would have to come out and say it. I wasn’t going to let him hold me back anymore.

Jon and I cut across the yard towards Liam’s front door. He must have seen us coming because he and Susan were outside before we were even halfway there.

“Britt!” Susan squealed and dropped Liam’s hand, running across the yard to wrap me in a massive hug.

“Susie!” I hugged her back as I giggled. She was such a sweetheart.

“Oh my gosh, you look gorgeous girl.” Leaning in she whispered in my ear, “And your date is quite the looker.”

I laughed and pulled away. “So is yours.”

Liam approached from behind his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around Susan’s waist. He dropped a lingering kiss on her cheek as a surge of jealous ran through my blood. I wanted a boyfriend like Liam. Why couldn’t Harry be more like him?

I shook my head slightly, trying to chase the thoughts of Harry out of my brain. Think about Jon, I reminded myself, he’s your date for the night.

The walk to the cinema in town was a quick one, as we spent most of the journey talking about the wedding that Jon and I met at. Liam and Susan took to Jon quickly, which I was really glad to see. If they liked him, I was sure Harry would learn to.

After purchasing a container of popcorn and a soda for us to share, Jon and I settled down in the cinema. Liam and Susan got right to the making out, so it was a little awkward. I shoved another handful of popcorn in my mouth and kept my focus on the previews. I honestly didn’t even know what movie we were seeing.

I felt Jon’s arm slip around my shoulder and I leaned into him as the movie finally started.

Oh gosh, it was a horror. I hated horror films and was very easily freaked out.

We were only about five minutes in and I was practically on Jon’s lap, whimpering in fear. I buried my face in his shoulder as he tightened his grip on me. “It’s just a movie babe. It’s not real.”

“I know,” I murmured into the thick fabric of his sweatshirt. “But it still scares me.”

“I’ll protect you babe.”

I tried to snuggle closer to him, but the hard plastic arm of our seats separated us. “Come on,” he whispered in my ear. I followed him out of the theater and into the lobby. I had no idea what he was doing. He led me over to a small couch in the corner of the room and sat down, pulling me onto his lap so that I was facing him. My legs straddled his hips as he let his hands gently tug my hips towards him. I wasn’t sure I liked where this was going, but I didn’t have the power to stop him.

His lips were closing in on mine when I turned my head slightly to the side, letting his lips brush my cheek instead. “Aww come on babe,” he pouted. “I thought you liked me.”

“I just met you,” I tried to slip off his lap but he tightened his hold on me. “I don’t know you very well yet.”

“I really like you Brittany.”

“Sorry,” I blushed and ducked my head. “I’m just not ready for you to kiss me.”

Jon lifted my chin with his soft fingers and attempted to plant his lips on mine again. This time I felt myself pulled off his lap and tossed aside. I fell to the floor, glancing up in surprise. Harry was standing there, his face absolutely livid as he glared at Jon. He towered over Jon, who was cowering on the couch.

“She said no,” Harry spoke slowly, hissing the words out through his clenched teeth. “That means don’t do it.”

“What the hell man? I wasn’t going to hurt her, I like her!” Jon tried to stand up, but Harry pushed him back into a sitting position.

“I don’t care if you like her or not, she said no!” Harry’s eyes were flashing dangerously. “She’s already been hurt once, I’m not letting that happen again. Last time I couldn’t do anything about it, but this time I will make sure she gets treated right.”

I was still sitting on the floor, shocked by the fact that Harry was here. Had he followed us? Who did he think he was, my dad? But then again, it was actually really sweet that he had come here to stand up for me.

Suddenly Harry was crouched in front of me and the anger in his eyes had been replaced by an endless pool of concern. “Brittany are you all right? He didn’t hurt you did he?”

I shook my head and took the hand Harry held out to me. He pulled me to my feet and wrapped me in his arms, holding me more tenderly than he ever had before. “When I heard about what happened with you and Riley, I promised myself I would never let anyone hurt you again. I intend to keep that promise.” His whispered voice barely reached my ear, but I could hear the raw emotion in his words.

“Thank you Haz, but I don’t think he was going to hurt me.”

Harry’s gentle hand brushed my cheek, then tipped my face towards him. “Maybe he wasn’t, but I am never taking that chance again.”

Harry pulled me back towards him, burying his face in my hair. I hugged him back, cherishing the feeling of being in his arms, because I never knew when I would be there again.

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