Chapter 4: New People

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“Umm I’ll just have a turkey club and chips please.” I closed my menu and shove it across the table towards our waitress.

“Same for me,” Harry gave a cheeky smile to the pretty girl. “And possibly your number for dessert.”

She let out a high pitched giggle and attempted to tuck a short strand of her dark brown fringe behind her ear. “We’ll see,” she winked before collecting our menus and sashaying off.

“Hitting on waitresses? New low for you Styles.” I grabbed a packet of sugar and ripped it open, spilling the sweet contents onto my tongue as I tried to erase the sour taste of Harry’s flirting.

“Hitting on fit girls is never a low, no matter their occupation of choice.”

“She’s like twenty two.”

Harry put his hands behind his head as he tipped onto the back legs of his chair, “I like older women.”

I rolled my eyes and went to work on another packet of sugar.

“Stop it,” Harry slapped the pink packet out of my hand and sent a spray of white crystals across the table top. “You get way to hyper when you have sugar.”

“Fine,” I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted, my eyes roaming the small restaurant. I caught a cute boy looking at me and I gave him a small smile. Harry followed my gaze, twisting in his seat to get a good look at my admirer.

“Do you think he’s hot?”

“What?” I met Harry’s green eyes. “The lad in the corner? Yeah I guess.”

“He doesn’t look like your type.”

“Ohhh I have a type?” I leaned forward, planting my elbows on the table and dropping my chin into my hands. “Please enlighten me.”

Harry followed my lead, leaning in to press his forehead against mine. I shivered as his velvet curls brushed my skin. “I thought you liked guys with curls, his is wavy.”

“Huh?” I pulled back in surprise. Did Harry know how I felt about him?

“Curls,” he tugged one of his own. “You know, cause that’s what Charlie had.”

Charlie was my first and only boyfriend, back in year ten. We had only lasted a week and a half.

“Oh yeah Charlie. Curls are nice I guess.” I didn’t actually care about hairstyles, if it was on Harry I liked it, end of.

“And blue eyes,” Harry supplied.

“No green,” I responded without thinking, distracted by the waitress setting our Cokes in front of us.

“Thanks babe,” Harry gave her the half smile I loved so much.

“You are very welcome,” she batted her eyelashes and I noticed that she seemed to have touched up on her makeup. I rolled my makeup-less eyes and swirled the straw around my sweating glass of soda. “I’ve never seen you around here, are you new to the area?”

I pushed back my chair, mumbling an excuse about going to the bathroom. I hated seeing Harry flirt with other people. I crashed through the door, heading over to the sink. My reflection stared back at me, a sad eyed girl with limp hair, no makeup, and flushed cheeks. The waitress had pretty blue eyes, shiny brown hair, flawless skin, and a short skirt. I had ragged sweatpants and an old tee-shirt. No wonder Harry didn’t see anything in me. I splashed my face with water, trying to drown out the thoughts of my pity party.

“Are you all right in there?” The unfamiliar male voice was accompanied by a knock at the door. “You looked upset when you hurried passed.”

I opened the door and stepped out to see the boy from the corner. “I’m fine.”

“You sure?” his brown eyes were kind.

“Yeah I…” my voice trailed off when I noticed that the waitress had taken my unoccupied seat. “I’m just in love with my best friend it’s no big deal.” I shrugged, letting my eyes wander over the back of Harry’s perfect head. “You know how these things are.”

The kid laughed, “Sounds like quite the dilemma. Did you tell him how you feel?”

“Tell him? Are you mentally deficient or something? He would laugh his head off.”

“Or maybe he would feel the same way.”

“Doubtful,” I shrugged. “He thinks I’m his little sister.”

“Well I think he’s stupid.”

“Really?” I couldn’t help but smile up at the boy, who grinned happily back at me.


“I’m Brittany by the way.”

“I’m Liam, nice to meet you.” He held out his hand and I shook it awkwardly.

“Excuse me?” Harry suddenly joined our little group. “Umm yeah hi, our food’s here babe.”

“When did the waitress have time to serve our food? She’s been too busy flirting with you.”

“Not true,” Harry shook his head, then blushed. “Okay, another waitress brought it over.”

“Figures,” I muttered. “Well it was nice meeting you Liam.”

“You too,” he smiled before heading back to his table, sticking his tongue out adorably when he noticed me watching him. I made a face at him before following Harry back to our seats.

“What was that about?” Harry popped a chip into his mouth and stared at me. “Was he hitting on you?”

“What’s it to you?”

He gave me the half smile that made me feel as if my heart was going to beat out of my chest, “Can’t have anyone hurting my little sister.”

I gave him a tight smile, if only he knew how much he hurt me every day.

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