Chapter 5: Thanks

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I flipped over in bed, not ready to get up and face the day. It was too early to be awake but I had barely slept all night and there was no point in lying around anymore. I slipped the covers off my legs and stumbled out of bed. I took a step towards the bathroom and proceeded to trip over Harry.

 Even though I had kicked him in the leg and tumbled to the ground he was still fast asleep, wrapped in a sheet and nothing else. His curls were spread out across the white pillow, his chest rising and falling slowly with his easy breathing. I sat up rubbing the elbow I had caught on the floor when I fell. Harry rolled towards me, his hand brushing my thigh. He jerked away, blinking sleepily up at me.

“Why are you sitting on the floor Brittany?” he pushed himself up and shook out his hair, running his long fingers through the messy curls. “Were you watching me sleep?”

“No, I got up to go to the bathroom and I tripped over you.”

“Oh,” Harry rubbed his green eyes and yawned. “Did you sleep all right?”

“No, I slept terribly.”

He looked guilty, “Was it my snoring? I’ll sleep with Marcus tonight.”

“It wasn’t you. It was just being in an unfamiliar bed and stuff.”

A harsh knock came at the door and I heard Riley’s angry shout, “Shut up some of us are trying to sleep. It’s six in the freakin’ morning.”

“Sorry,” Harry called. “We’ll be quiet.”

I heard a huff from the other side of the door before the sound of Riley’s bedroom door slamming. I rolled my eyes and picked myself up off the floor, going over to the dresser to grab some clothes. “I’m going for a walk.”

“I’ll come too,” Harry replied quickly, standing up and joining me at the dresser.

I rolled my eyes, “Harry you’re naked. Can you at least cover up with the sheet?”

Harry glanced down at himself in confusion, “Why? You see me naked all the time.”

I threw a pair of pants at him and he pulled them on. “Here,” I handed him a pair of shorts and a tee shirt.

He shook his head and shoved them back in the drawer before taking out chinos and a polo instead.

“Harry we’re going on a walk, not to school.”

“What? I like these.” He dressed quickly and I let him be, taking my clothes into the bathroom. I changed into a pair of shorts and one of Harry’s old white and blue Jack Wills tee-shirts. I never actually realized how many pieces of Harry’s clothing I owned. Oh well. I bushed my teeth and hair, then wandered back into the bedroom. Harry was sitting on the edge of the bed, texting and kicking his heels against the bed frame.

I grabbed my gray beanie from the dresser and pulled it on over my brown hair. Harry looked up and smiled, “You look cute.”

“Thanks Harry.”

He jumped up and took my hand in his, slipping his soft fingers through the spaces where they fit so well. “So where are we going?”

I shrugged as he led me out of the room, “I don’t know. I just wanted to walk. It helps clear my head.”

“Why does your head need clearing?” he pushed out the screen door with his shoulder, our feet crunching on the gravel of the driveway. The sun was attempting to break through the cloud cover as it rose but it was still chillier than I thought it was going to be. Harry noticed my shivering and he put his arm around me, drawing me close to his side. His hand moved up and down my goose pimpled arm, rubbing the chill out of my body. “Is everything all right love?”

“Yeah I’m fine, it’s just a little cold out.”

“No not that,” Harry shook his head. “The clearing your head thing.”

“Oh,” I scuffed my converse on the ground as we walked along the road. “It’s nothing. I’ve just been doing a lot of thinking lately.”

“About what?”

You. “The future and what’s going to happen after college.”

“After college you are going to own a wedding cake shop just like you always wanted. I’m gonna be a famous singer and we are going to live together in a swanky flat in the middle of London. We’ll have a cat named Robbie and a fish named Frankie. It will be amazing.”

Harry fantasy was adorable, but I was too worried about losing him to go along with it. “I’m serious Harry. That would be great and all but we both know it won’t happen.”

Harry crinkled his eyebrows, stopping in his tracks as he turned to look at me. “Who says it won’t happen?”

“It’s not realistic.”

“Why not?”

“How do you plan on becoming a famous singer?”

“I don’t know I’ll try out for X Factor or something.” He ran a hand through his curls.

“Don’t forget me when you’re famous,” I smiled sadly and continued walking.

“I wouldn’t forget you love. You’re my favorite,” he made a face at me, taking my hand again.

“You’ll find better girls than me when you’re famous.”

“No one’s better than you babe.”

I was just about to throw my arms around Harry for a hug when I saw his eyes slip towards the distance, “Amelie!” He let go of my hand and started to wave crazily at the girl jogging in towards us. I recognized the waitress from the day before.

“Hi,” she beamed, pulling her headphones out of her ear. “How are you Harry?”

I felt my heart sink as Amelie stole my hug. When I turned on my heel and headed back towards the house Harry didn’t notice. He was too busy getting lost in Amelie’s big blue eyes.

“You won’t forget me huh?” I mumbled under my breath as I felt tears starting to sting my eyes. “Why do I not believe that?”

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