Chapter 34: Sorry is just a word

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*still Harry’s POV*

I ripped the IV out of my arm and tossed off my blanket as Marcus stared at me in horror. I swung my legs over the bed and stood, stumbling forward from the soreness in my limbs.

“Ow,” I murmured, rubbing my back where I had taken most of the impact of the car. “That does not feel good.”

“Harry,” Marcus looked nervously towards the door. “You should get back in bed before anyone sees you.”

“No,” I stripped off my hospital gown and pulled back on my own clothes, which were piled next to my bed. I noticed the streaks of blood from my nose had been cleaned out of my shirt. I silently thanked the nurses as I slipped it over my head.

“Harry where are you going?” I could hear Marcus coming after me as I hurried out into the hall.

“To win Brittany back,” I cradled my hurt arm to my chest as I effortlessly navigated the hallway. I needed to convince Brittany to give me another chance.

“Hun, what do you think you’re doing?” I looked up to see the nurse from my room looking my way. She put down her clipboard and hurried towards me. “You shouldn’t be out here.”

I threw a panicked glance towards Marcus and he gave me an ‘I’ll handle this’ look. When the nurse was a few steps from me Marcus collapsed on the ground, clutching his stomach and moaning.

The nurse rolled her eyes at him squirming around on the floor, “I know you’re faking.”

“Please ma’am,” I shifted from foot to foot desperately. “I need to go talk to someone.”

Her face softened, “The pretty brown haired girl that ran out of your room crying? You go get her honey.”

“Thank you,” I let out a sigh of relief before taking off towards the waiting room. The pain in my body was nothing compared to the ache in my heart. Brittany had to forgive me. She just had to.

“Brittany!” I burst through the door of the waiting room with my good hand, my head swiveling as I tried to find my best friend. Where was she?

“What do you want?” Liam spit out, his normally warm brown eyes looking particularly hateful.

“Brittany,” I tried to look around Liam’s lean frame, but he was blocking my view of the rest of the room. “Is she here?”

“Why should we let you talk to her?” Brad had joined Liam, crossing his arms across his chest as he glared at me.

“You don’t even like her Brad, why do you care?” I needed to see her. I tried to push Brad out of the way with my uninjured arm, but he batted me away like a fly. “Please let me talk to her,” I pleaded.

“You better beg,” Brad growled.

“Please,” I groveled. “Please let me see her. I need to change her mind.”

“She’s not here,” Liam spoke up again. The hate was gone from his eyes and he just looked weary now. “Riley and Amelie took her outside because she was crying.”

I glanced towards the door to the parking lot. I needed to make thing right with her. But I needed to apologize to Liam as well.

“Liam,” I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I really am. I didn’t mean for anything to happen with Susan. I know before I said I didn’t know she was your girlfriend, and I didn’t, but it’s still not an excuse. I shouldn’t have even been looking at other girls. I’m sorry for ruining your relationship.”

Liam sighed, “It’s not your fault.”


“She obviously didn’t love me as much as she claimed to. Better to find out now I guess.”

I was surprised. I had been a jerk to Liam and I suddenly felt really bad. He didn’t deserve that.

“I’m sorry for being so horrible to you,” I held out my good hand. “Can we start over?”

He shrugged and shook my hand, then stepped aside. “I don’t think Brittany wants to see you, but she should be right outside.”

“Thanks,” I hurried past him and over to the door. I stopped before going through, staring through the glass at the scene outside.

Brittany had her back to me, but I could tell by her shaking shoulders that she was crying. Amelie was standing next to her, biting her lip and resting a comforting hand on Britt’s back. Riley had his arms wrapped around her and she was crying into his chest.

I felt a sting of jealousy in the pit of my stomach. I should be the one comforting her, I should be the one she came to when she was upset. If it wasn’t for you she wouldn’t be upset, I reminded myself.

If it wasn’t for me she wouldn’t have any reasons to cry.

My hand was resting on the door, but I couldn’t bring myself to push through it. Riley would be nice to her, Riley would make her smile. All I did was ruin things.

But I couldn’t live without her.

I made up my mind and headed outside. The three of them looked up when I approached and I saw the raw anger and hatred flash across Riley’s face. He was livid.

“What the hell do you want Styles?”

I felt my voice catch in my throat; I didn’t know what to say. “Ummm,” I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the eyes burning holes in my head.

“What?” Riley growled.

“I’m sorry,” I finally mumbled, my eyes locked on the ground.

No one said anything so I looked up. Brittany was staring at me, her gorgeous blue eyes full of tears. I saw her reach one hand out, stretching her fingers towards my face.

At the last second Riley grabbed her wrist and pulled it away, “Let’s go Brittany.”

She nodded at him and they took off across the parking lot. Amelie lingered for a few more seconds, her eyes so obviously judging me.

“He’ll treat her right,” she spoke. “He loves her.”

“I love her,” I spoke up forcefully. “He doesn’t even know her.”

“You don’t act like you do,” Amelie spun on her heel and began to stalk away. “Next time let her know that instead of treating her like she’s just another girl.”

I was left standing alone in the parking lot, with a torn up arm and a trampled heart.

I would win her back if it was the last thing I did.

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