**SEQUEL** Part 1

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Sequel (warning self harm)

(over a year has passed…sorry the timing is off with real life because when I started the fic for the first time I had no idea I would end up putting Harry on X Factor) *Authors note*

“Brittany! Riley! X-Factor is starting!”

“Ugh,” I rolled over in bed and made a face at Riley when I heard my mum’s voice. I was too comfy to move.

Riley laughed at me and planted a tender kiss on my nose. We had been cuddling in my room, just lying there, for the past few hours and I was too lazy to get up and go downstairs.

“Come on,” Riley slid out from under the covers and held out a hand to me. “Liam’s audition might be on.”

“We saw Liam’s audition in person, why do we have to see it on television?” After the summer’s incident, Liam and I had become extremely close friends. Having him and Riley in my life was great, but it still didn’t fill the void left by the boy I had lost.

No one knew just how much time I spent still crying over Harry. He was constantly on my mind and it took all my strength not to go running back to him. Riley was an amazing boyfriend, but he just wasn’t Harry.

Suddenly the covers flew off me and I felt myself being scooped into Riley’s arms. “Put me down,” I giggled as I slapped his shoulder.

“Never,” he kissed me sloppily on the lips. “Your mum awaits.”

He carried me down the stairs as I squirmed and struggled to escape his hold. “I don’t want to watch X-Factor,” I laughed as he ran into the living room.

“Yes you do,” he deposited me on the couch next to my mum before sitting down and slipping an arm around my shoulder. I curled up against him as he whispered in my ear, “We have to check out Liam’s competition.”

We knew Liam had been put through to Judge’s House in a group with four other teenage boys, but for some reason he wouldn’t tell us their names. He said it wasn’t allowed. He also wasn’t allowed to tell us if they made it to the live shows or not, but I just knew he did. He was too good not to.

I was starting to doze off, lulled to sleep by the singing coming from the television and the warmth emitting of Riley’s body. I had just fallen into the limbo between dreams and reality when I heard a very familiar voice. At first I thought I was dreaming, but the voice continued talking. I cracked open my eyes and saw him for the first time since the day he broke my heart.

Harry was smiling at the camera, standing in the queue with his family. I felt a sharp tug in the back of my stomach. He was even more gorgeous than I remembered. His curls were silky, his eyes bright, his smile vibrant, and his dimples were two little smiles in his cheeks. He looked happy.

Everything inside me was twisted, my heart was pounding, and my brain was screaming. I didn’t know what to feel or think. How could he be so happy without me? Did he miss me at all?

I could feel Riley’s eyes on me and I kept my face blank, acting as if seeing Harry didn’t bother me at all. “Guess he did decide to audition,” I commented casually, surprising myself when my voice didn’t shake or crack.

“Do you want me to turn it off?” My mum cast a nervous look in my direction.

“No it’s fine.” I watched as Harry walked out on stage and talked to Simon. He looked breathtakingly flawless. I was just starting to get used to seeing him out there when he opened his mouth to sing.

“Isn’t she lovely, isn’t she wonderful?”

My heart stopped. He was singing my song.

The tears came quickly and I jumped up off the couch, tearing out of the house like my life depended on it. Why did he have to do that? Why did he sing that song?

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