Chapter 27: Weird

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“I just think it’s weird that Susan didn’t want to come with us,” I took a long drag of my vanilla frappaccino. “I thought she loved to shop.”

“She does,” Liam held a hand out for my drink and I gave it to him. He took a sip before giving it back. “She didn’t feel good this morning.”

“Oh,” I swirled my straw around in the quickly melting white liquid. “She seemed fine when I saw her.”

“She has a stomach ache,” Liam grabbed my arm and pulled me into Jack Wills. We wandered through the racks of clothes, laughing and talking about nothing as Susan’s behavior slipped from my mind.

“Here,” Liam handed me the sweatshirt he had bought as we left the store.

“What’s this for?” I held up the purple jumper.

“The day you fell and cut your knee you were wearing it and you rubbed blood all over it. I figured I would get you a new one.”

I couldn’t believe he remembered that. “That was Harry’s hoody. You didn’t have to buy a new one.”

Liam just shrugged, “Tell him it’s a peace offering from me than. He doesn’t like me.”

I couldn’t deny that this was true. “Well you’re my friend, so he’s gonna have to get used to it.” Liam guided me onto a bus, “We’re leaving already?”

“We can stay if you want,” Liam hesitated before sitting down. “But I’m out of money.”

I laughed and piled my bags on my lap, leaning up against Liam as people pushed past my seat. “I have no money either.”

I sent Harry a quick text letting him know we were on the way back and that I missed him. I waited a few minutes for his reply and put my phone away when I didn’t get a text. Liam was rambling on about boxing and running so I just nodded, listening vaguely and commenting occasionally.

Soon we were hopping off the bus outside Liam’s house. We parted at his front door, with him heading inside and me heading back to the summer home. I pushed open the door and was immediately accosted by Riley.

“Hey Brittany,” he took my bags and tossed them aside, slipping an arm around my waist and leading me back outside. “How was your day?”

Something was definitely going on because Riley never touched me or even willingly spoke to me for that matter. I pulled away and turned on him, “What are you doing?”

“Talking to you,” he gave me a bright smile. “I thought you wanted to talk.”

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, “And I thought you didn’t want to talk to me.”

“Sorry about that,” Riley slipped his arm around my shoulder and led me towards the road. I noticed that he glanced over his shoulder at the house as he forced me away. “I was being quite rude that night.”

“Riley,” I pulled away from him. “Seriously what’s going on?”

“Nothing’s going on,” he stopped walking and threw his hands up. “I was just trying to be nice. Sorry.”

“Whatever,” I turned back to the house. “I’m going inside now. If you’re still feeling nice later we can talk.”

“No!” he grabbed my arm and spun me around. “I want to talk to you now.”

“All right,” I planted my hands on my hips. This was looking eerily similar to the other night, except this time our positions were switched. He was the one making the effort and I was the one pushing him away. “Talk.”

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